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Remembering the Past: Young Royals Season 2 Fan Favorite Moments

It’s official, Young Royals fam, we’re completely out of control (and probably in a lot of trouble with our editor), but we have decided that for this Season 2 compilation (as well as for the one we’ll publish about Season 3 in a couple of days to avoid spoilers™), we’re gonna give y’all the same amount of moments each. Yep, you read that right, the same amount each.

So if you’ve already read our roundup of Season 1, you know you’re in for a treat. If you haven’t, then hold on to your hats, because this is going to be one long walk down memory lane. 

Just as with Season 1, y’all shared A LOT of moments with us, so we apologize in advance if any of your favorites didn’t make the final cut. You folks don’t like to make our job easy, so even if we don’t like it, we are forced to leave some moments out and choose those that resonate with the majority of you. We hope you can understand.

But anygays…enough rambling. Let’s dive right in and enjoy these fan-favorite moments from Young Royals Season 2 together. Are you ready? Just like last time, we decided to share everything in chronological order so it’s easier to read. Enjoy!

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Wille’s Wet Dream — Ahem — Dream Sequence

Alright, let’s start at the very beginning with this dream sequence that, a year after coming out, still has us all talking about it. It might have been just a dream, but oh boy, was it a dream worth dreaming! 

Admittedly, this dream sequence kicked off the season with a bang! Wille’s (Edvin Ryding) fantasy of having Simon (Omar Rudberg) in his room at the castle had us all swooning. We’ve been waiting for them to be together in the palace forever, and although we didn’t get it this season, at least this dream gave us a taste of what it could be. 

Despite its brevity, this moment always leaves us wanting more and wondering if Wille needed a cold shower afterward. His imagination is truly something!

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Wille Asking August to Address Him as Crown Prince

Let’s talk about Wille’s return to Hillerska after Christmas break because it was EPIC. His goals were crystal clear: first, to find a way to get back together with Simon (duh), and second, to make August’s (Malte Myrenberg Gårdinge)  life miserable. 

With his determination on full display, Wille crashes the third-years’ party, demanding to see August. When greeted informally, Wille asserts his authority with a firm, “You’re supposed to say, Crown Prince.”

It’s a bold move, a touch impulsive, but undeniably commanding. Wille shows he means business and isn’t about to back down on his promise to make August pay for leaking the video.

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Flirting 101: A Masterclass on the Art of Failing Miserably by HRH Prince Wilhelm

Now, let’s dive into Wille’s epic fail at flirting, which somehow ends up being incredibly endearing. We all know Wille’s not great at many things—the guy can’t lie to save his life, he’s terrible at controlling his emotions, and don’t even get us started on his communication skills. Oh, and flirting? Yeah, that’s definitely not his strongest suit.

But in a memorable moment from Young Royals Season 2, after helping Simon track down Sara (Frida Argento), Wille stops him from leaving and blurts out the first thing that comes to mind, “I got a haircut.” We mean, seriously? LOL.

Now, this may not be the smoothest move in the flirting handbook, but it’s adorable in its own way. So kudos to Wille for at least trying. He failed and caused us secondhand embarrassment, but he did his best.

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The Forgotten Sweater

Okay, so here’s a super cute but also kinda heart-tugging moment that we can’t help but love: when Wille is abruptly forced to leave the classroom and leaves his orange sweater behind. Now, Simon isn’t a thief, but when Felice (Nikita Uggla) hits him up telling him what’s going on with Wille and that the Royal Court is giving him the boot from Hillerska, Simon goes into full panic mode.

And what does he do? He snatches up that forgotten sweater and stashes it in his backpack. Now, keep in mind, Simon’s been trying to move on, right? He’s been seeing Marcus (Tommy Wättring). But this moment shows us something crystal clear – there’s no way Simon’s letting go of Wille anytime soon. Nope, not happening. That sweater is like a physical reminder of their whole deal, and it’s telling us there’s still a lot of unfinished business between these two. 

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Erik’s Snow Globe

Let’s talk about something that hits us right in the feels — Wille’s precious snow globe. This little treasure was a gift from his late brother Erik (Ivar Forsling), a small reminder of their bond before Wille made the move to Hillerska. Whenever Wille feels stressed or misses Erik, you can catch him giving that snow globe a shake, watching the glitter swirl around the prince frog inside.

Now, fast forward to when Jan-Olof (Magnus Ehrner) shows up, ready to whisk Wille back to the castle after the press threat shenanigans. Needless to say, Wille is not thrilled about this turn of events. He puts up a real fight, refusing to budge because, let’s face it, Hillerska has become his home. But Jan-Olof has his orders, and when things get heated, Malin (Anna Valkyria Petersson), one of the bodyguards, steps in to physically move Wille.

In the midst of this struggle, the unthinkable happens — the snow globe gets knocked off the table and shatters on the floor. It’s a heartbreaking moment, symbolizing not just the loss of Erik but also the turmoil Wille faces with the Royal Court and his new role as Crown Prince.

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Simon’s Melodic Confession

Now, here’s a scene that’s straight out of a romance novel — Simon composing a heartfelt song for Wille. Simon’s musical prowess is no secret, and when he sits down to create music, magic happens.

What sets this particular composing session apart is the emotion behind it. Picture Simon, draped in Wille’s sweater (a detail that just melts our hearts), pouring his soul into every note and lyric. This song isn’t just any composition; it’s a musical journey through Simon’s complex feelings after an emotional conversation with Wille in the locker room. In that conversation, Wille once again tried to push for a secret relationship, but Simon, being the honest and upfront guy he is, friend-zoned him instead. 

Now, Simon’s brewing with all these intense feelings – love, longing, and the bittersweet reality of their situation. So he channels all of that into the song he’s composing, making it a swoon-worthy moment that never fails to tug at our heartstrings. It’s a testament to Simon’s deep love for Wille, immortalized in the form of a beautiful melody. Simply stunning.

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Boris Enters the Chat

Ah, Kristina’s (Pernilla August) best and worst idea ever—sending Wille to therapy with Boris (Claes Hartelius). So, here’s the lowdown: Kristina’s condition for Wille to stay at Hillerska was simple yet nonnegotiable—attend therapy sessions with Boris to get a grip on those emotions and irrational impulses. We’ve got to hand it to Kristina; this was perhaps the best (and maybe only) sensible thing she ever did for her son, but we digress.

At the start, Wille is reluctant, as expected. Who wouldn’t be, right? But as the episodes roll on, something shifts. Slowly but surely, Wille begins to open up to Boris. And let us tell you, Boris works his magic in ways we never saw coming. He empowers Wille in ways we didn’t think were possible.

In fact, in one of their final sessions before the big Jubilee speech, Boris offers some words to Wille that we believe changed the game for him.”We can’t choose who we’re born as, but we can choose how we want to live.” Talk about powerful words! We’re not just remembering that; we’re framing it as a daily reminder of the power of choice.

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Simon’s Jubilee Song Proposal 

Alright, let’s talk about Simon’s musical genius again. Remember that song he was composing? Well, guess what? He not only finishes it but also has the guts to suggest it as his solo for the Jubilee. Talk about confidence!

So, Simon approaches his teacher with a proposition to modernize the Hillis song for the Jubilee, unveiling that he has a new melody with an improved version of the lyrics (inspired by Wille, but shhh). Now, we must admit, the original lyrics were a bit…meh, but Simon’s revamped version is pure gold. 

After hearing a snippet, naturally, the teacher is impressed. She suggests removing the profanity (lol) and adding Hillerska somewhere in the mix, so the intention of the song is clear. But hey, Simon’s talent shines through, and we’re always in awe of his musical prowess. Way to go, Simon!

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Wilmon’s PE Practice Showdown

Alright, let’s dive into this short but oh-so-dramatic moment between Simon and Wille. Tensions are at an all-time high between these two, with jealousy and poor communication fueling the fire. How do they decide to hash it out? Well, it happens during PE practice, of all places.

Now, we have to admit that we’re not huge fans of this particular game. It can get a tad aggressive, as shown in the GIF above. However, despite our reservations about the game itself, we can’t deny that the exchange between Simon and Wille is absolutely worth talking about. The way Simon lands a solid hit on Wille’s face and then gives him that daring look afterward is just iconic.

Now, let’s be clear, we definitely don’t condone violence. But this moment? It’s so hilariously intense that we could watch it on repeat for days. LMAO indeed!

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Jealousy Unleashed — Simon and Wille at the Lockers Room

In this raw and intense moment, we witness the clash of emotions between Simon and Wille, exposing the deep-seated jealousy and misunderstandings festering in their relationship. Simon, caught off guard by Wille’s kiss with Felice, confronts him, accusing him of not giving him a heads-up regarding the matter, and instead learning about it during lunch. 

Wille, however, doesn’t back down, pointing out the double standards at play with Simon’s own relationship with Marcus. Things escalate faster than a TikTok trend when Simon brings up how Marcus is cool with him being his true self and how supportive he is of his music and friends.

But Wille’s not having it, feeling like Simon’s not seeing the whole picture. The tension’s thick enough to cut with a butter knife as they both grapple with what it means to be in each other’s lives. After Simon admits that he might never accept who Wille is, Wille storms out. And just like that, the storm passes, leaving us all on the edge of our seats, wondering where this whirlwind of emotions will take them next. Ain’t love grand?

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Felice’s Reality Check to Wille

Let’s dive into the aftermath of that infamous kiss between Wille and Felice that had the whole school buzzing. The rumor mill was spinning, with whispers suggesting Felice had eyes on Wille just because he’s, you know, a prince.

Wille, who’s really going through quite the emotional confusion, decides to chat with Felice about what happened. He confesses how seeing Simon with Marcus together made him question everything, prompting him to kiss her. And Felice doesn’t hold back, calling him out on his BS and pointing out how selfish it was for him to use her to make Simon jealous.

Wille tries to explain, but Felice doesn’t let him off the hook so easily. She reminds him of her past feelings, their long-standing friendship, and how he knew about her emotions all along. It’s a reality check for Wille, forcing him to confront his actions and their consequences.

In the end, though, they hug it out, acknowledging their friendship and moving forward. What do we admire the most about this moment? Felice doesn’t hold back, calling out Wille’s behavior and standing up for herself. Way to go, girl!

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August’s Sweet Invitation to Sara

This moment between August and Sara, although not our top pick, definitely resonated with many of you. It embodies that classic high school romance vibe that we all know and sometimes secretly love. Picture this: August, in the privacy of his room, asks Sara to be his date for the Valentine’s Ball. It’s a simple gesture, but one filled with underlying emotions.

What makes this moment particularly cute is Sara’s candid admission that going to the ball with August would essentially reveal her feelings for him to everyone. This vulnerability from Sara elicits a rare, sweet smile from August, so we do get why y’all like it.

So we’ll admit it, it’s a cute moment between them. Despite our reservations about them individually and as a couple, there’s something heartwarming about young love blooming, even if it’s a bit complicated.

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Wille and Simon’s Secret Moment

Okay, buckle up because we’re diving into everyone’s top-rated moment this season: when Wille and Simon sneakily locked lips at the Valentine’s Ball. We all know, these two have been riding a rollercoaster of emotions all season long. Wille’s been like, “Fine, I’ll let Simon go,” and Simon’s all, “Okay, I’ll try to move on with Marcus, I guess.” But let’s be real, their connection is like a magnet, pulling them back together no matter how hard they try to resist. 

And it all comes to a head when Wille, in a moment of apparent acceptance, tells Simon that he understands and will leave him alone. But Simon, torn between his current “relationship” and his unresolved feelings, can’t let Wille walk away. 

The tension between them is thick and just when you think they’re about to have a deep heart-to-heart, bam! They’re locked in a passionate kiss behind some bushes. Not just a peck, mind you; we’re talking about a full-on, steamy makeout session. 

It’s like gravity conspired to bring them together in that moment, showing that despite everything, their feelings haven’t changed one bit. Talk about a swoon-worthy scene that’s etched into our hearts as one of the best of the season!

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Simon Serenading Wille 

So, remember that steamy kiss between Simon and Wille? Well, right after that, Marcus, Simon’s current “squeeze,” interrupts them because Simon’s got to perform with the choir, and he’s the star of the show. Smooth move, Marcus, crashing the party like that.

Anyway, Simon and Wille discreetly return to the ball, and Simon takes the stage with the choir to sing the Hillis song. But hold on, it’s not your usual rendition; Simon’s singing his own version, the one he penned about Wille. And why? Well, the principal (Ingela Olsson) thought it’d be neat to test it at this event before the upcoming Jubilee.

Now, imagine this: the choir starts harmonizing, and Simon, still on cloud nine from the kiss, can’t take his eyes off Wille. It’s like he’s serenading him with every lyric. Romantic, right? And when the song wraps up, Wille’s grin is soooo bright it could light up the whole dang room.

But here’s the cherry on top: sharp-eyed Marcus clocks the intense connection between Simon and Wille, and we’re silently rooting for him to step aside because, let’s be real, Wille and Simon are the real deal. This scene is a gem because it’s not just about the music; it’s about the unspoken connection and the sweet gestures that make our hearts flutter. A definite top favorite! 

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Wille Showing Up At Simon’s

Alright, buckle up for this wild ride! So, Wille pops up at Simon’s place out of the blue, ready to spill some major tea. He starts by saying sorry for not telling him sooner about August being the video leaker. But then, bam! He drops the bombshell: August is actually Wille’s backup plan for the throne. 

In simpler terms, Wille could pass the crown to August, freeing himself from all that royal drama and giving him a shot at a life with Simon. But here’s the twist — if Simon snitches on August, Wille’s whole backup plan goes up in smoke, and he’s stuck being king.

At first, Simon’s not sure if Wille’s revealing this bomb to dissuade him from involving the police, but Wille sets the record straight, saying that Simon needs to follow his own moral compass, regardless of the implications. Wille’s just laying it all out there, sharing his feelings and the reality of their situation. With that bombshell dropped, Wille departs, leaving Simon to process this newfound information.

But what makes this moment truly legendary isn’t even the conversation that takes place nor the revelation, but Ayub’s line. As soon as Wille is gone, Simon’s best friend says: “Did he just say he’d give up the crown for you?” And don’t ask us why but we think that’s one of the best lines in Young Royals Season 2. Hands down.

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20th Century Lesbians to The Rescue

Yeah, the book discussion made the cut. But let’s set the scene first: Simon and Wille, alongside Sara and Henry (Fabian Penje), are huddled over their book project in class. As they dive into the characters’ lives, the teacher casually checks in on their progress. 

As Wille and Simon start to dissect the characters in the book, it quickly becomes clear that they’re speaking in code about their own situation. Simon suggests that maybe the characters aren’t to blame for their situation—it’s the suffocating rules boxing them in. Wille jumps in, hinting that perhaps they just crave freedom to be themselves.

The book, set in the 20th century, mirrors the struggles of a lesbian couple, resonating deeply with Simon and Wille’s own challenges. It’s like the book’s universe is nudging them to see their own story.

This moment signifies a shift as Simon begins to grasp Wille’s struggles, and vice versa. So props to the lesbians in the book for helping unravel Wilmon’s emotional web—a small step forward in the right direction.

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It’s Holy, Holy… 

Set to Elias’s song “Holy,” Simon and Wille are in Wille’s room, they’re talking, holding hands, and hugging. And then it’s happening, that thing that we shouldn’t be watching them do. And we would be very happy about it if it weren’t for the damn curtains. 


Anyway, back to the moment. Wille takes the lead and goes in for a kiss. Once he does this, it’s on like Donkey Kong. Their clothes are coming off and their mouths are all over each other, and we’re covering our eyes and peaking through our fingers because this seems private and we don’t think we should be watching. 


Thankfully, Wille catches on and closes them, saving the day. As they settle back on the bed, the scene wraps up with Simon and Wille reunited, stronger than ever. Talk about a magical moment! It truly is holy.

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And the Snitch Was…?

Wille and Simon, fueled by determination, confront August to uncover the truth about who leaked Simon’s plans to go to the police. Tensions rise as Wille, in a moment of desperation, grabs a rifle (yes, things got intense) to push for answers. Meanwhile, Simon, caught in the middle, just wants clarity.

As the situation escalates, Felice and Sara intervene to calm things down. However, the truth emerges when Sara admits to being the one who revealed Simon’s intentions, hoping that August would come clean on his own. Disheartened by his sister’s actions, Simon storms off, leaving Wille to reconsider his approach. 

Despite his anger, Wille runs after Simon to comfort him, but Simon is too hurt by it all and just wants to go home, so he leaves. It’s a really intense moment that never fails to make our hearts skip a beat.

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“ I Love You…” — Simon’s Version

We love this one! Simon, after wading through the drama and heartaches of Seasons 1 and 2, has finally made a choice – he’s chosen Wille! Up until this moment, we’ve seen Simon go through the wringer with Marcus and Sara, but all those ups and downs were necessary for him to reach this point of clarity and commitment. 

Wille’s royal baggage has always been a heavy cloud over their relationship, but Simon’s now seeing things from a new perspective. He gets it – the struggles, the limitations, the whole royal shebang. So, he’s willing to keep their love on the down low if it means they can actually be together. This isn’t about sacrifice; it’s about choosing happiness and putting their love first.

Simon’s confession whispered sweetly in Wille’s ear, is like a warm hug for our souls. It’s a full-circle moment that has us cheering and reaching for the tissues every single time we rewatch. Love conquers all, folks!

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Wille’s Off-Script Speech

Alright, folks, let’s talk about Wille’s epic speech – a moment that had us all on the edge of our seats! It was like the stars aligned when Simon uttered those three little words, ‘I love you,’ and Wille felt a surge of determination coursing through him (thanks, Boris, for the extra push too).

In that split-second decision, Wille chooses honesty over the suffocating weight of lies. It is a pivotal moment where he declares to the world (or at least the school and the press) that he’s done letting the Crown dictate his love life with Simon.

The light that radiates from them as Wille spills the tea about the sex video is nothing short of magical. You can practically see the relief washing over Wille, his shoulders lifting from the burden of secrets. And Simon? Well, his initial trepidation melts away as he basks in the glow of Wille’s bravery and their shared truth.

Just beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

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Honorable Mention: Wille’s Princely Hands vs Simon’s Pencil Case

We seriously cannot believe none of you shared this moment with us in the comments, but just like we did with Season 1, we just had to sneak it in because it never fails to have us rolling with laughter every time we watch it. Wille vs Simon’s pencil case — a classic!

It’s canon, folks, Wille’s very delicate princely hands can’t open a pencil case. Simon, please assist your prince, he’s in distress.

From unnecessarily aggressive yet amusing moments to passionate encounters, Young Royals Season 2 is undoubtedly one for the books. It has it all, delicious drama, jealousy, and even some assistance from 20th-century lesbians who come and put some sense into Wille and Simon’s thick skulls.

Anygays, we hope you liked these fan-favorite moments that made all our hearts pump.

Keep an eye on our socials today so you can share your favorite moments of Season 3 with us, they could make the cut and appear in our upcoming compilation. 

The third and final season of Young Royals is available to stream on Netflix now. Follow us on X and Instagram for all queer stuff!

Featured image: Image Courtesy of Netflix