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Heartstopper: relatable moments that had us screaming ‘same bestie!’

The Netflix smash hit Heartstopper has only been out for a handful of days and already it has completely taken the internet by storm. Everyone is watching this show! And honestly? Same bestie! The anticipation around the show’s release was huge. People were talking about it for a long while before it even dropped. Then, when the moment arrived, social media exploded in a way that we weren’t prepared for. 

We don’t know who needs to hear this, but Heartstopper is literally the ice cream the world needs right now. In a time where it feels like everything is burning down around us, Heartstopper is a delightful ray of sunshine that warms you from the inside out. 

And bestie, it made us so proud. 

As queer people who are constantly looking around society to find others like us, see ourselves on television, and find other queer stories that we can find comfort in, Heartstopper is a whole-ass five-course meal. There are so many queer stories out there, that while we’re glad they even exist, they just don’t fit quite right. Heartstopper fits like a glove. 

We feel like we could talk about this show forever and ever, but we’ll refrain from turning into a Heartstopper stan publication only, but we promise, we’ve got plenty more where this came from. 

So come with us, as we share some of the most relatable moments that had us screaming ‘same bestie!’ as we watched this absolute gem of a show. 

Nick's huge crush, same bestie!

Bi paniiiicccccccc

By the time this scene occurs, Nick (Kit Connor) is already deep in his feels about what is going on inside his belly every time he thinks about Charlie (Joe Locke). While he hasn’t worked it all out yet, the seed that he might be very not straight has definitely crossed his mind. But what does that mean? Jesus, Nick, we get it buddy!

Nick is sitting on the couch watching Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl with his mommy dearest (Olivia Colman) and a scene featuring both Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly pops up on screen. His mom makes a comment about how she knows that Nick has always fancied Keira, but the absolute contortion of confusion that ripples across Nick’s face lets us know that there is definitely something else going on here. 

Nick's bi panic while watching Pirates of the Caribbean, same bestie!

Is it really Keira Knightly that he has the hots for, or is it, Orlando Bloom? It doesn’t take much of a stretch to see that he is probably agonizing over both. Same bestie, same. 

Enter Nick and his official bi-panic attack. He ends up googling bisexuality as a result of this moment and it’s the most relatable thing ever. 

Googling one’s potential sexual identity crisis for confirming that it is, in fact, happening is 13/10 same bestie behavior! (Also, he does this more than once throughout the series so he gets extra points for this one!)

Sparks! Same Bestie!

Gay crisis

Things take a turn down smoochies lane in episode three. Charlie and Nick end up at the same party, and after several obstacles, end up in a quiet deserted part of the hotel all by themselves. One thing leads to another, Charlie is asking if Nick would ever kiss a boy, and then just like magic they fall on each other’s lips and Nick is experiencing his first ever same-sex exchange of lips and all that good stuff. 

Despite the fact that it’s clear that Nick wants this, as they pull apart, there are a few tense moments. Nick’s eyes are wide, his chest is rising and falling dramatically as he breathes heavily. We held our own breath as we waited to see what his response would be. But then Nick interlocks his fingers with Charlie’s and he’s leaning in again and they’re really going for it now (nomination for People’s Choice Award best onscreen kiss for this year goes to Nick and Charlie, fam – make it happen). 

First kiss. Same Bestie!

Their privacy is interrupted by Nick’s meathead friends though and Charlie winds up taking off before Nick can resolve anything that he is feeling. Then Nick ends up standing on Charlie’s doorstep in the pouring rain, clothes soaked through, because of course he does. Episode three ends, and four beings with Nick having one hell of a big ole’ gay crisis (his words, not ours). 

And then Charlie is apologizing for kissing Nick and he is rambling like a fool and Nick is trying to get him to shut up and omg Charlie, same bestie! Nervous gay rambling when you overstep the boundaries with a straight friend you like and you’re worried about losing said friendship so rambling obviously ensues is a 10/10 same bestie disaster gay behavior. 

But then Nick is kissing Charlie again and announcing that he is confused and that he wants to kiss him but he is having a FULL ON GAY CRISIS (we’re going to call this gay rambling at this point) and my god, same bestie, we have all been there. He repeats the word confused over and over and over again and well, goodness, if this isn’t the most relatable thing ever, we don’t know what is. 

We want to put Nick in our pocket and protect, protect, protect (and something tells us Charlie wants to as well). 

Elle befriending the lesbians, same bestie!

Elle and the lesbians

When Elle (Yasmin Finney) moves to her new school, she is nervous. Considering her experience at her last school was such a train wreck, it’s to be expected. Meeting new people is always hard, so we relate to the queen, we really do. However, in a stroke of luck, the universe has clearly decided it’s Elle’s time to win because she ends up landing herself in the presence of the school lesbians. Elle befriending the company of the queers is perfection and honestly, same girl, same. 

While we acknowledge there is a stereotype at play here, we are 100% okay with this one, because it’s rooted in fact: the queers always end up finding each other. And in the world that we live in, safety is better achieved in numbers. 

Elle randomly finding the lesbians at her new all-girls high school? 14/10 relatable same bestie behavior, even if it was a happy coincidental accident!

Google knows best

After spending an incredible day with Charlie, Nick is Confused™ (with an actual capital C). He definitely understands that what he is feeling is not how he feels about his other friends. It’s written all over his face and his body language whenever he looks at Charlie. However, that doesn’t mean that Nick understands a damn thing about what he is going through. He doesn’t. Not at all. 

All he knows is that Charlie definitely gives him The Feelings™ – whatever that means, okay!

We’ve all been there – our first real-life queer awakening that had the potential to actually be something. Remember how scary that was, but also how great it felt? How right it felt, but at the same time how you didn’t understand a thing about why that was the case? Yeah, we do too, Nick! 12/10 relatable same bestie behavior. 

am I gay? same bestie!

In his spiral of confusion, Nick does what any upstanding member of his generation would do: he asks google if he’s gay!

And oh my god, SAME BESTIE! Don’t tell us you’ve never asked google to validate and prove your sexuality. Don’t tell us that you’ve never turned to google for The Answers™ to a conundrum that you can’t (or don’t want) to solve yourself. 

There are so, so, so, so, so many relatable moments in this show but we have to say, expecting Google to have the divine answers to solve all sexuality crises’ is 20/10 same bestie behavior. Nick, you’re a bloody legend and we love everything about you. 

There are many more same-bestie relatable moments that filled our hearts and our souls throughout the course of this show. And trust us when we say, we are not done talking about them. These are just some of the things that had us cooing and awwing with relatability as we cruised through the episodes. We’ll definitely be writing a follow-up to share more of these moments with you, so watch this space and come back for more!

Heartstopper is available to stream in all its perfect queer glory on Netflix right now! Read our Season 1 review with spoilers here and without spoilers hereFollow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!

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