Xiao-Long Rathje Zhao talks Young Royals, Alexander, and queer things!
Xiao-Long Rathje Zhao plays Alexander on Netflix’s little queer Swedish show, Young Royals. The second season of Young Royals dropped on November 1, 2022. The season return saw Alexander (Xiao-Long Rathje Zhao) come back for yet another season of mess and mayhem.
In season 1, Alexander was the kid that woke all the other boarders at the school up. He rose before everyone else did and made sure everyone was awake and ready for their day (poor dude). In an effort to protect his love Simon, (Omar Rudberg), Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding) suggests to all The Society boys (the secret society of those of noble birth) that Alexander should take the fall for a drug scandal that they were all involved in.
Even though Simon is the one responsible for bringing the drugs into the school in the first place, everyone goes along with Wilhelm’s suggestion because he is the Crown Prince. Alexander finds himself in a whole lot of hot water.

In season 2, Alexander has figured out a way to return to Hillerska, and August makes it his business to ensure that Alexander knows Wilhelm is the one responsible for Alexander’s downfall.
And let’s just say, we have many questions about this whole ordeal.
We sat down with Xiao-Long Rathje Zhao to talk about all these very important things. We asked him some very important questions about Alexander’s motivations so that we could understand the character even more. And Alexander, it would seem, is a deeper kid than he may appear on the surface.

Being a queer publication, we also capitalized on this incredible opportunity to pick Xiao-Long Rathje Zhao’s brain about his thoughts on trans politics and how folks can be good allies to the trans community. He finishes the interview with a heartfelt message to the genderqueer and trans members of the Young Royals family, and the greater fandom, as well.
It’s always a pleasure getting to talk with someone from the Young Royals family and we’re so thankful that Xiao-Long Rathje Zhao gave us some of his precious time. Enjoy!