Reliving the Magic: Young Royals Season 1 Fan Favorite Moments
Whether you’ve been reading our words for a while or if you’re new to our publication, it’s important that you know that here at Q+, when we decide to compile our favorite moments from a TV show, we usually limit ourselves to just five per season – to make it a smooth read. It’s no easy task; we usually have to get into arguments and have to reach a general consensus as to which moments make the cut and which stay only in our hearts.
But you know what? Young Royals isn’t just any show—it’s something truly special. With an outpouring of comments from all of you sharing your favorite moments from Season 1, we couldn’t help but rebel a bit, throw our editor’s rules out the window for a minute, and share as many moments as we could fit in this piece.
Again, it was no easy feat; some of you practically shared every Wille (Edvin Ryding) and Simon (Omar Rudberg) scene in Season 1, but we did our best to try to choose the ones that resonated with the majority of you.
So, here we are, ready to take you through the rollercoaster of emotions once again, are you prepared? We decided to share them in chronological order for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

Wille Seeing Simon Singing for the First Time
We don’t know about y’all, but we absolutely adore the setting of this game-changing moment. It’s Wille’s big welcome ceremony at Hillerska, the entire school is gathered in the church to honor the Prince, and as the choir kicks into gear, there’s one voice that stands out above the rest—Simon’s.
It’s like the stars aligned or something because at that moment, Wille’s expression changes. He’s actually smiling for the first time in the show, and guess who’s the lucky recipient of that grin? You got it, Simon. It’s like the universe hit pause just to let these two lock eyes for the first time, and bam, sparks fly! Talk about love at first sight (or song)!

Simon Adding Ketchup to the Damn Spaghetti
Listen, we have Italian friends, we love Italian culture, and we know for a fact that this is a crime in their eyes. But here’s the thing—this scene seems to be among y’all’s favorite, and you know what? We get it. We’re team “Ketchup doesn’t belong on pasta,” no doubt about it. But if we take a step back and look beyond the culinary chaos, this scene serves a bigger purpose.
It sets the stage for what’s going to be the main issue in Wille and Simon’s relationship—the juxtaposition of their lives. At this moment, we’re not just witnessing a culinary crime against Italian cuisine; we’re seeing a glimpse of Simon’s world—a world filled with warmth, love, and acceptance. It’s the kind of family dynamic that makes you wish you were a part of it. And then there’s Wille, who, let’s be honest, could use a dose of that familial embrace. Sure, he’s a prince, but he’s lacking the kind of genuine connection and love that Simon’s family exudes effortlessly.

Wille Formally Introducing to Simon
Of all the things Wille is, there’s one thing we’ll always adore about him—his complete inability to flirt. His awkward yet endearing attempt at initiating a conversation with Simon for the first time will forever be peak entertainment in our book. Because yep, Prince Wilhelm couldn’t charm his way out of a paper bag if his life depended on it. So how he managed to land Simon remains a mystery to many, but hey, we’ve got a theory. Maybe Simon’s into those awkward, impulsive guys—the ones who can’t quite keep their cool but are undeniably attractive in their own right. But we digress.
What makes this moment a favorite among y’all (and us) it’s not only the fact that Wille’s opening line to Simon is “I like what you said back there, Simon,” but that he proceeds to awkwardly but very formally introduce himself. Yep, a lost cause in the flirting department. But who knew that stumbling over words could be so captivating? Simon fell right into his spell. But jokes aside, we truly think this moment perfectly encapsulates what Wille and Simon have and sets the tone for their budding romance.

It Takes a Fool to Remain Sane
It’s no surprise that the closing scene of the very first episode is among y’all’s favorite moments of Season 1 because truly, it’s a gem. Here’s the setup: Simon and Wille find themselves hanging out at a party—or more accurately, just outside it for a bit of privacy. And then, out of nowhere, Wille starts mumbling the lyrics of the same song Simon was singing when they first met.
It’s a moment of pure vulnerability, a glimpse into Wille’s guarded heart. From the get-go, it’s clear that Wilhelm although pretends to be at times, isn’t exactly the life of the party. He’s more of a wallflower, uncomfortable in his own skin around most people. But then there’s Simon. And for some inexplicable reason—destiny, perhaps—Wille lets his guard down around him, revealing and discovering layers of himself that he’s kept hidden from everyone around him—himself included.
In the blink of an eye, Simon becomes Wille’s safe haven, the one person he can truly be himself around—a beacon of authenticity in a sea of pretense. And honestly, folks, that’s nothing short of beautiful.

Wille’s Almost Gravitational Pull Towards Simon
Now, if there’s one thing that’s crystal clear to everyone is that from day one Wille’s got a crush on Simon, and it’s about as subtle as a sledgehammer. Seriously, everyone can see it—except maybe Wille himself. Go figure, right? But here’s the kicker: this kid’s got it bad. Like, really bad. He’s practically glued to Simon’s side, hanging out with him every chance he gets. Catch him at the library? You bet he’s sitting right next to Simon, pretending to study but probably just staring dreamily at him instead (check out the gif above for proof).
And don’t even get us started on their conversations—Wille jumps at any opportunity to chat with Simon like he’s got an unlimited supply of random conversation starters stashed away. So when Simon invites him to Rosh’s (Beri Gerwise) soccer game, of course, Wille jumps at the chance without a second thought, even if it means lying to August (Malte Myrenberg Gårdinger) so he can miss out on the rowing practice and sneaking out. Talk about whipped! Even if he hasn’t quite connected the dots yet, Wille’s crush on Simon is so obvious, that it might as well be visible from outer space—Saturn, anyone?

Simon and Wille Riding the Scooters
After the soccer game, Simon and Wille decide to seize the moment and take a spin around Bjärstad on the back of Ayub (Inti Zamora Sobrado) and Rosh’s scooter motorbikes. It’s a moment of pure freedom, a chance for Wille to break free from the constraints of royal life and experience the world through Simon’s eyes. And let us tell you, folks, Wille looks like he’s found his happy place. He’s relaxed, carefree, and more alive than ever before. It’s a sight to behold, seeing Wille let go of his worries and just enjoy the ride.
But what’s even more captivating is Simon’s reaction to it. You can see it in the way he looks at Wille, that kid is ready to fall head over heels in love. It’s a moment of pure magic, a glimpse into a connection that’s stronger than either of them could have ever imagined. And we all know it, this is just the beginning of a journey that’s going to change their lives forever. We really can’t emphasize enough how much we love this moment because it perfectly captures the innocence and excitement of young love, set against the backdrop of their tumultuous world.

Simon and Wille’s First Kiss
Now, we won’t sugarcoat it—it’s awkward. Their first two attempts, those awkward pecks on the lips? Yeah, they make us want to cover our eyes, bringing back memories of our own cringe-worthy teen experiences. But then comes the real deal, their genuine first kiss, and let us tell you, folks, it’s etched in our hearts forever.
Sure, it’s still a bit awkward (as first kisses tend to be), but there’s something undeniably real and right about it. It’s a moment that feels like a glimpse into the future, a prophetic glance of sorts at how their relationship will unfold in the seasons to come. It’s raw, it’s authentic, and it’s everything we love about Young Royals.

Wille “Being Exactly Like That”
Oh, Wille, the master of mixed signals! His journey from denial to acceptance is both awkward and adorable—a testament to the complexities of self-discovery. Also, let’s be honest, at this point down the road, Wille’s iconic “I’m not like that” line has become a running joke among all of us fans of Young Royals. We mean, seriously, the nerve of the kid to say those words to Simon on more than one occasion, only to turn around and be the one unable to stop thinking about their kiss. It says everything you need to know about him, doesn’t it?
So, it’s no surprise how quickly he has to eat his words and rush to ask Simon on a “hang out” date during the weekend off they are going to get at Hillerska. But here’s the thing we love the most about this moment: Wille’s determination to make things right with Simon, to show him that he takes back what he said and that he really is that way, that he really does have those types of feelings for him. It’s awkward, sure, but it’s also incredibly cute at the same time. We just had to give this moment the recognition it deserves.

Simon and Sara’s Bond
Ah, yes, let’s talk about this gem. Another fan-favorite moment (and one of the few where we didn’t want to roll our eyes at Sara) is this scene in Season 1, Episode 3. It’s where we can clearly see how strong and beautiful Simon and Sara’s sibling bond is.
Sara knows that her brother has a crush on none other than the prince, and like any good sister, she starts to tease him about it. And you know what? It’s beautiful to see.
For many of us in the LGBTQ+ community, it’s comforting to see Simon just getting to be himself, feeling loved, accepted, supported, and safe enough around his own family to express himself and share what’s in his heart. Sure, we may have some strong feelings about Sara and the things she does in later seasons, but we’re grateful we got this moment between them. It’s a reminder of the importance of family and acceptance, and it warms our hearts every time we watch it.

Wille Inviting Himself to Simon’s House For The Weekend
Apparently, we’re all suckers for pain, because among y’all’s (and ours) favorite moments in Season 1 is this adorable Wilmon moment that happens seconds before we learn of Erik’s tragic passing. Yeah, we know, it’s like a warm fuzzy feeling followed by a punch in the gut. But setting that aside for a moment, let’s focus on the pure cuteness of Wille’s bold move. And we say bold because the kid quite literally invites himself over to Simon’s house for the weekend. And Simon’s reaction to that? Priceless.
We have no proof but his beautiful smile, but Simon is already head over heels for Wille! When Wille murmurs “I just want to hang out with you,” hearts everywhere collectively melted into a puddle of goo (Simon’s included). Can y’all believe? His Royal Highness Prince Wilhelm went from “I’m not like that” to wanting to spend the weekend with his crush at his home when their plans of staying at school during the weekend got ruined by August’s presence. For us, this is a pivotal moment in Wille’s journey of self-acceptance. It’s the kind of character development we live for. So yeah, we’re totally here for it!

The Soccer/Football Field Scene
Alright, folks, let’s dive into what is probably everyone’s favorite moment. The soccer/football field scene. We’re not lying, this scene? It got mentioned in almost every comment we got, and let us tell you, we’re right there with y’all. Despite the fact that Wille is clearly hurting during this scene and is very, very intoxicated, we have to admit that the entire scene is hilarious.
Now, just to be clear, we’re not condoning drug use at all, and we are very thankful Simon came to get him just in time. But let’s be real, belly laughs were had during Wille’s trip. And can we talk about those unforgettable lines? “All the people are fake. They’re made out of metal. But I like you. And that is not fake.” A classic.
And this one? “You came! Thank you for coming. You’re really here. You’re beautiful! You’re so beautiful.” Pure gold. These lines will forever haunt our Wilmon dreams. It’s moments like these that remind us why we’re so invested in this show.

“I Want You to Hold Me” Scene
Ah, get ready to feel all the feels with this one. This moment is truly pivotal in understanding the already deep connection between Wille and Simon. For someone who didn’t grow up with a lot (if any, save for Erik) of love and affection in his home, Wille feels safe enough around Simon to ask him exactly what he needs. It’s a vulnerable moment that showcases the depth of trust between them.
Now, here’s where it gets us right in the feels: Simon’s unwavering support. It’s simultaneously heart-wrenching and heartwarming. It’s like a tug-of-war on our emotions. On one hand, it breaks our hearts to see Simon, who has taken care of so many people in his life, from his dad to his sister, now offering comfort to Wille.
But on the other hand, it fills us with hope and warmth to witness the sheer magnitude of Simon’s compassion. The size of this kid’s heart is so big that at such a young age, he doesn’t hesitate for a second to hold Wille tightly in his arms, offering the love and support he so desperately needs. Young love, folks. It’s raw, it’s beautiful, and it’s everything.

Wille’s Lil’ Gay Crisis
It seems that this is the scene that just keeps on giving. Following that heartwarming moment of connection we shared with y’all in our previous favorite moment of Season 1, we’re hit with another emotional bombshell.
Simon, curious as ever, asks Wille if he remembers everything from his drugged and alcohol-induced trip. Cue Wille’s little moment of sheer panic as he realizes that he, in fact, remembers every single word. *blushes*
It’s a moment of raw vulnerability, and when Simon reassures Wille with those simple yet profound words, “It’s okay,” we couldn’t help but melt. Because, you see, it is okay. Sometimes, as we navigate our queer journeys of self-discovery, hearing those words of acceptance and understanding can be everything. And besides, their shared complicit laughs at the end are everything we ever wanted and more.

Their First Time
Ah, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, and it’s no surprise why it’s one of everyone’s favorite moments from Season 1. First times are unforgettable, filled with a unique blend of awkwardness, trust, and desire. Experiencing it together for the first time with someone you truly care about can feel truly magical.
But what really sets this moment apart, at least for us, is the rare glimpse it offers us into their world. Yeah, their world. For once, they’re not under the watchful gaze of bodyguards, friends, classmates, or family members. It’s just them, existing in their own private space. It’s a beautifully intimate moment that we wish hadn’t been tainted for them, but alas, such is the nature of storytelling. Le sigh.

The Morning After
Much like its predecessor, this scene is not only a fan favorite but also holds a special place among our team members. The tenderness and vulnerability displayed make it impossible not to fall in love with. Wille’s overflowing affection for Simon is palpable in every glance and touch. His eagerness to extend their time together, even in the face of looming responsibilities, speaks volumes about the depth of his feelings.
And when he rouses Simon from sleep, it’s a testament to their desire to cherish every moment together before the outside world intrudes on their bubble of intimacy. This scene captures the essence of their relationship—raw, genuine, and deeply moving.
Despite interruptions, like Malin’s (Anna Valkyria Petersson) amusing reminder about breakfast, the magic between them remains undiminished. It’s moments like these that make Young Royals so captivating, offering glimpses into the purest form of young love.

The Date by the Lake
You know, Wille and Simon don’t exactly have your typical teen romance. Being a prince and all, Wille’s got a lot on his plate, plus he’s still figuring out who he is, which makes things a bit complicated between them. So, they don’t get those regular dates like going to the movies or grabbing a burger like normal kids. Instead, they have to snatch moments whenever they can to just be together.
Now, this particular date by the lake is special. Even with those bodyguards lurking around (they’re always there, gotta keep Wille safe, you know?), the vibe is still perfect. It’s just Wille and Simon, doing their thing, being totally head over heels for each other, and hey, just being sixteen.
They’re happy, they’re together, and they’re safe. In a show filled with drama and tension, moments like this one are like a breath of fresh air. It’s a reminder that despite all the royal stuff and life’s complications, they’re just two kids in love, enjoying each other’s company by the lake. It’s the little things, you know?

The Lucia Reconciliation
So, y’all know how when they want (or enter the music room lol) Wille and Simon can go at it like cats and dogs, right? But when they patch things up, it’s like magic. After that massive blowout over the pills and all that Crown drama (in the music room, btw), seeing them sit down and hash things out calmly, feels like a much-needed pause in the chaos.
And can we just take a moment to appreciate how they both look like actual angels in this scene? Seriously, it’s like they stepped out of a Renaissance painting or something. But beyond the aesthetics, what really gets us is how Simon drops his guard because Wille needs him. It’s kinda heartbreakingly beautiful, you know?
And actually, if we really think about it, this moment is VERY bittersweet. It shows how far Simon will go to protect the ones he loves, but it also highlights just how lonely Wille feels deep down. These boys, man, they tug at our heartstrings. We just wanna scoop ’em up and shield ’em from all the crap life throws their way.

The Locker Room Scene
Ah, let’s take a moment to soak in the beauty of the locker room scene. It’s like one of those unforgettable moments you just want to imprint in your memory forever. There’s so much happening here, so many emotions swirling around, and yet, so many secrets still hidden between them. But one thing’s for sure, this moment marks a turning point for Simon. It’s like a line in the sand, yaknow?
No matter what happens next, Simon can’t shake off this moment. He clings to every word Wille says, every promise of doing the right thing. And when things don’t quite pan out that way, well, that’s when the cracks start to show. But let’s set all that aside for just a moment and focus on one thing: when Simon declares, “We haven’t done anything wrong.” Because, fam? Our hearts shattered at that. He’s right. They haven’t done anything wrong. Love isn’t wrong, it’s pure, it’s beautiful. Love is love.
But we can’t forget that this scene also lays bare their differences. Wille is torn between duty and desire, while Simon simply wants his partner by his side, especially when their intimate video is splashed all over the place and it’s only his face the one being shown. It’s heart-wrenching, really.

Simon Choosing Simon
Ah, brace yourselves for this one because it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. So, we’ve already established that we’re all a bit masochistic, right? Because this scene, despite the pain it inflicts, still manages to snag a top spot in everyone’s favorite moments from Season 1. It’s like we just can’t look away from the heartache.
But anygays…let’s dissect this moment, shall we? Simon laying down the law, setting those boundaries, and telling Wille that it’s alright for him to take his time coming out of the closet? Heart-wrenching stuff, no doubt. But then, it’s like a gut punch when he adds that it’s a journey Wille must take alone. Oof, talk about tearing at the heartstrings.
But here’s the thing, as heartbreaking as it is, it’s also incredibly important. This is Simon showing his worth, standing up for himself, and saying, “Hey, I deserve more than what you’re offering, even though I care about you.” At just sixteen years old, that’s some serious wisdom right there. So, let’s give a round of applause to Simon for choosing himself, for putting his own well-being first, even if he broke all our hearts in the process.

“I’m Sorry, I Love You”
Alright, grab your tissues ’cause we’re diving into a real tearjerker here. Wille, feeling all kinds of desperate, musters up the courage to approach Simon on their last day of school before the Christmas break. He pulls him into a hug and whispers the gut-wrenching words, “I’m sorry, I love you.” Cue the waterworks, folks.
It’s messy, it’s painful, but it’s also a sign that Wille’s just…human. He knows he’s messed up, and this is his last-ditch effort to fix things. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work. Life just ain’t that simple. Simon, bless his resilient soul, stands his ground, giving Wille space to sort out his mess. But here’s the thing, amidst all the hurt, there’s a glimmer of hope. Wille owning up to his mistake shows he’s capable of growth. He’s flawed, sure, but who isn’t, especially at 16?
And then there’s Simon. His response, though heart-wrenching, shows his strength. Instead of giving in to his own feelings (we all know he LOVES Wille), he puts himself first. “I hope you have a nice Christmas,” he says, a simple yet profound statement that speaks volumes.
In the end, while it’s a tough pill to swallow, we gotta hand it to both Wille and Simon. They may be young, but they’re wise beyond their years.

Honorable Mention: Simon’s Walk of Shame
Alright, none of you shared this moment with us in the comments, but we just had to sneak it in because it has us rolling with laughter every time we watch it. Simon, fresh out of Wille’s room, struts down the school building only to come face to face with none other than the Queen herself. And let’s just say, she’s got that knowing look. She knows what’s up. Simon’s like a deer in headlights, trying to figure out how to navigate the situation.
Now, here’s where it gets hilarious. Simon, our poor Simon, is so flustered, he tries to bow and curtsy at the same time. Talk about a royal faux pas! We mean, can you even imagine being in Simon’s shoes? Meeting your boyfriend’s mom (who also happens to be the Queen of Sweden) and fumbling through a bow-curtsy combo? One for the books for sure!
From tender moments of intimacy to heart-wrenching revelations, Young Royals Season 1 is a rollercoaster of emotions—a journey we’re grateful to have experienced alongside y’all. As we eagerly await the final chapter of this story, let’s cherish these fan-favorite moments that have captured our hearts.
Keep an eye on our socials so you can share your favorite moments of Season 2, they could make the cut and appear in our upcoming compilation.
The first 5 episodes of Young Royals Season 3 are available to stream on Netflix. The final episode will drop worldwide on March 18. Follow us on X and Instagram for all queer stuff!
Feature image: Image Courtesy of Netflix.
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