Netflix’s Young Royals: Edvin Ryding and Omar Rudberg spill the tea
Yesterday, some of the Q+ Magazine staff got the opportunity to sit down with Netflix’s Young Royals Omar Rudberg and Edvin Ryding while they were in New York City for their appearance on the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon. Our interview occurred just hours after the Young Royals season 3 renewal, so the timing couldn’t have been more ideal.
Anyone who has ever had the chance to speak with these two individuals knows just how charming and infectious their energy is – especially together. And yesterday was no exception.
Sitting atop two thrones, like the kings that they are, we dived into some deep questions about the happenings of season 2 (including things we couldn’t ask the last time we got to speak with them), and we dabbled in some mild season 3 discussion. They shared some of the cool things they have seen from fandom in response to the show, and Rudberg makes a confession about Young Royals YouTube reactors.
We also played a rapid-fire game that we think you’ll find enlightening for sure. They finished off our time together with a heartfelt message to the LGBTQ community that had our staffers deep in their feels.

Season 2 of Netflix’s Young Royals was released on November 1, 2022, and landed on screens around the world with quite a bang. Fandom cries were heard collectively around the globe as people watched their beloved Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding) and Simon (Omar Rudberg) embark on a downward spiral of pain, hurt, and a whole lot of drama. There were very few moments of happiness for these two characters this last season and fans felt the melancholy mood of the show for days after completing the last episode.
Both Omar and Edvin shared their hopes for their characters in season 3 with us but confirmed that they haven’t read the script as yet. However, if they get their wishes (and who wouldn’t want to give these two young men the whole world?) there may be a little ray of hope and sunshine for the Crown Prince and his *ahem* boyfriend in the coming episodes. Here’s hoping.
Despite the announcement, there has been no word released about when filming will begin for the upcoming season of Netflix’s Young Royals just yet. All we can say is, we hope it’s soon, because y’all, that cliffhanger from season 2 was a doozy.
Click the video below to watch our full interview.
Young Royals is streaming exclusively on Netflix. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!
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