Heartbreak High Season 2: Exclusive Interview with James Majoos and Will McDonald
Season 2 of Netflix’s Heartbreak High is out now and available to stream globally. If you haven’t seen it yet, stop everything you’re doing and go and binge it immediately. You will not regret it! In our Season 2 review, we called the release ‘absolutely riveting’ and we weren’t exaggerating. Q+ Magazine was lucky enough to sit down with Hartley High’s fave queers this week, Darren (James Majoos) and Cash (Will McDonald), where we chatted about what makes Darren and Ca$h so so interesting, and so special to each other.
McDonald and Majoos joined us for an early morning breakfast conversation about Ca$h’s asexuality, Darren’s hypersexuality, and what the juxtaposition of those two very different things means for this dynamic duo. We’re thinking it, so we know you are too – can an asexual and a hypersexual being make it in the long term?
Both McDonald and Majoos know their characters intimately, and both of them speak about them candidly and deeply, as if they were talking about their own lover or their friend. They have each done incredible work to bring these characters alive onscreen, and their attachment to them bleeds through their words and their expressions as they discuss the nuances of this special union.

Majoos candidly talks about dating for young queer people, that even now in today’s modern world, dating as a young queer person isn’t always safe. The way queer youth engage with and seek out romantic or sexual experiences is just different from that of their heterosexual counterparts, and both Majoos and McDonald both spotlight the safety that Darren and Ca$h get from each other as being crucial to their success. Ca$h is safe to be and explore his asexuality, and Darren is safe to be the person they are, even though both have juxtaposing and conflicting needs and desires. It’s a rare and beautiful thing to see.
But as the age-old adage goes, is love enough? The innocence of their relationship is a thing of beauty, but can the love that Ca$h and Darren share for one another be enough to carry them through their warring, yet equally important needs? Check out the interview here to listen to Will McDonald and James Majoos answer this very important question!
Heartbreak High Season 2 is available to stream exclusively on Netflix. Follow us on X and Instagram for all queer stuff!
Feature Image: Image courtesy of Netflix