Heartbreak High: All about Ca$h and that ace representation
Heartbreak High on Netflix is groundbreaking queer television. It’s got lesbians, non-binary folks, queer curious straight folks, and then there is Ca$h (Will McDonald), who is clearly a closeted gay, but also most likely asexual. While the show never once utters the word asexual in relation to Ca$h’s character, for anyone that knows anything about the asexual spectrum, Ca$h’s character has ace written all over him.
Ca$h is an interesting character. He’s a drug dealer and hangs out with all the wrong people, but he also lives with his Nanna and helps take care of her, and has a real gentle spot hidden deep inside him. When he falls for Darren (James Majoos) we just thought he was a closeted gay kid, but after closer examination, we think he’s much more than just your average gay teen.
At Q+ Magazine, we’re kind of obsessed with Ca$h’s character. Come with us as we unpack the complexities of this layered, yet very lovable dude.

What is asexuality?
Not a lot of folks truly understand what asexuality is. According to the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) “an asexual person does not experience sexual attraction – they are not drawn to people sexually and do not desire to act upon attraction to others in a sexual way.”
Like other forms of queerness, asexuality isn’t a one size fits all kind of model. Ace folks land somewhere on a spectrum and how asexuality plays out in the lives of these people is different for all
While being asexual does mean that folks who identify as ace generally don’t want sex, it doesn’t mean that they also aren’t capable of love or romance. Some ace folks do in fact seek out romantic relationships, while other ace folks consider themselves aromantic asexual (meaning not attracted to romance, or sex). Some asexual folks are sex-positive, while others are repulsed by it.
The ace banner is complex.

Ca$h and that ace representation
While the writers, nor anyone else involved in the creation of Heartbreak High, have confirmed that Ca$h is ace, when you look at his actions and the words that he says, everyone in the office here at Q+ Magazine agrees that this dude falls somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Ca$h clearly doesn’t have the vocabulary to describe how he feels about himself, but it’s obvious from his interactions with Darren that he is some combination of an asexual person who doesn’t desire sex, but definitely wants romance.
In episode 5, Darren shows up at Ca$h’s house while his Nanna is out and things get pretty heated between the two of them really quickly. As they’re falling onto the bed and making out like mad, Ca$h puts a stop to Darren’s sexual advances, asking if they can just keep things as they are (meaning kissing, and touching, and hugging). Darren spends the night.
The next morning after they wake up, Darren shoves his hand down Ca$h’s pants. Ca$h completely freaks out and Darren takes this as a personal affront. Upon first examination, it does look like Ca$h is afraid of how sex between the two of them might play out and that this fact is what he is afraid of. However, if one looks close enough and really listens to the words that come from Ca$h’s mouth, there is actually something much more complex happening here.

As Darren is getting dressed again, Ca$h tells Darren that he ‘isn’t like them’.
“I’m not like you, Darren. I know what you want. I can see it every time you look at me. I’m just not wired that way.”
Darren, upset and feeling utterly rejected, completely misses the nuance of the comment. Ca$h has made it abundantly clear that he wants Darren physically. Ca$h enjoys kissing Darren, enjoys touching Darren, and enjoys intimacy with Darren – as long as he is allowed to keep it in his pants.
Ca$h is clearly trying to tell Darren that he wants them, but just not sexually. However, the young man doesn’t seem to have the knowledge to explain how he feels about himself to Darren, or to himself really. It’s clear to us that Ca$h doesn’t know what asexuality is, despite the fact that he most likely is asexual, and it’s even clearer that Darren doesn’t either. When Ca$h tries to convey these feelings to Darren, some pretty hateful and acephobic remarks slip from Darren’s mouth.

We’re really hoping that if this show gets a season 2 renewal, Ca$h is able to learn more about himself and become more educated about this part of who he is. It’s really hard to navigate a sex-crazed world when the individual in question has no desire for it at all. We expect this is why Ca$h has avoided exploring his sexuality up till this point because, at the end of the day, sex will inevitably come up. Plenty of asexual people have long-lasting, committed, and loving relationships – and we believe Ca$h deserves this too.
Will this be with Darren? This remains to be seen.
Despite the fact that Darren says there is, there is nothing wrong with Ca$h and we want to make sure anyone, especially the younger audiences, know this. Asexuality is perfectly valid and is much more normalized than the film and television industry would have us believe.
Asexuality is real, and ace people are everywhere. Hey Netflix, let’s renew this show and give this character the chance to show the world just how beautiful asexuality can be!
Heartbreak High is available to stream on Netflix now. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!
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