Florida teen censors graduation speech, but is not silenced, despite school efforts
Florida teen Zander Moricz, of Pine View High School, was told in no uncertain terms by school officials that if he mentioned the word ‘gay’ or referenced recent gay advocacy efforts in response to the “Don’t Say Gay “ bill in his graduation speech, his microphone would be immediately silenced.
Word got out at Pine View High School that the young class president was planning to use his platform at the graduation ceremony to criticize the state’s Parental Rights in Education group, as well as the aforementioned, Don’t Say Gay legislation. Principal Stephen Covert delivered the young student with his ultimatum, and Moricz came up with a new plan.
Instead of going quietly into the night and allowing the school officials actually to silence him, Moricz came up with a plan – talk about his experiences, without using the words he was instructed not to. In the graduation speech, he referenced any notion of his sexuality as that of having curly hair, however, there is no question about the fact that he is definitely talking about the queer community at his school and in his state.
While school officials intended to silence the young man, their actions had the exact opposite impact. Zander Moricz’s speech has garnered national media attention and the young man has been praised for his bravery and inspiring words for his queer peers currently living through Florida’s oppression.

He says that the citizens of Florida are living through a “state of emergency”, and gaybies, he ain’t wrong! He shares experiences he encountered with his teachers – supportive teachers – who emboldened him and armed him with the bravery he needed to come out to his family. This is something many teens in Florida will cease to have under the new Don’t Say Gay legislation.
Speaking to the audience, Moricz says, “you must claim your power and give it to those who will protect us … we must use our shared power because all the people who didn’t use it, let this happen to all the people who couldn’t.”
The teen appeared on Good Morning America yesterday in response to the attention his graduation speech received.
“You don’t know how a very volatile and polarized community is going to respond, but it was amazing. I knew that the threat to cut the mic was very real, so I wasn’t gonna let that happen. I just had to be clever about it. But I shouldn’t have had to be, because I don’t exist in a euphemism. I deserve to be celebrated as is,” he told GMA.

To Zander Moricz and all the queer kids in the class of 2022 around the country living in places attempting to oppress their very existence. We see you, you are beautiful as you are, and you are loved. Happy graduation.
To watch the full-length version of Moricz’ speech, see below.
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