The Boyfriend Ep10: I Don’t Want This To End
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the final episode of Netflix’s Japanese queer dating show, The Boyfriend. Nine young queer men were thrown into a house together in Japan to see if sparks would fly, and boy, did they ever! Friendships were forged, and jealousy ensued, as romantic connections ignited in the Green Room. As episode 9 came to a close, it was unclear how The Boyfriend Ep10 would conclude. Well, it’s here and we’re equal parts dying to find out, and too sad to actually press play. Sigh. We can do this, right? Right?
Dai and Shun had yet another conflict in episode 9, because of course they did, but thanks to Dai’s exceptional maturity and sensitivity, they talked through Shun’s anxieties and worked out their issues. Gensei left the house, feeling like his work in the Green Room had come to an end, and Ikuo boldly confessed to Dai that he wants Dai to choose him.
Peak television entertainment. Let’s find out what Dai’s response is, shall we? We’re pressing play on The Boyfriend Ep10.

Ikuo and Dai
Sitting at the beach with the picturesque ocean and sunset behind them, Dai tells Ikuo that Shun is the only one for him. The camera pans to Ikuo as his face falls a little, and it’s clear he understands that he lost. We get why he tried because you can’t win if you don’t enter the game, but we’re honestly flabbergasted by his efforts. Dai was so angry when Ikuo tried to intervene in his conflict with Shun. It was obvious from his behavior during that fight that Dai wasn’t interested in anyone or anything but Shun.
Again, during this scene, we were impressed with Dai’s demeanor and maturity yet again. He’s so thoughtful and considerate of others around him and he’s so good at communicating how he feels about situations respectfully and thoughtfully. Men everywhere could learn a thing or two from this dynamic young man.
Maybe because he joined the crew later, or maybe it’s because of the things he did while he was in the house, but Ikuo didn’t seem to make the strong connections in the Green Room that the others did. When Ikuo leaves The Boyfriend Ep10, there are hugs and goodbyes, but little fanfare follows.

When Taeheon extends his gratitude to the other housemates for giving him the strength to move forward and live his truth, the housemates all begin weeping. As a reminder for anyone who might have forgotten, Taeheon is from South Korea and isn’t out with his family. He came to The Boyfriend not only looking for love but also searching for the strength to come out and tell his family who he really is.
He leaves the house first, causing emotions to surge. His presence on the show was important for many reasons. Marriage equality hasn’t been achieved in Japan, nor in South Korea. However, the general sentiment is that society in South Korea is more conservative about these issues than Japan and has even more catching up to do. For Taeheon to appear on this show before telling his family about his sexuality is a brave move indeed.
The man is in his thirties, and there’s probably a reason why he hasn’t told them. Risking it all by doing this for himself is commendable. It’s moments like these that help change the narrative for the queer community globally. Taeheon might not have found love in The Green Room, but his presence on the show achieved a far higher purpose than that!

As The Boyfriend Ep10 kicks off, the pained expression that washes over Ryota’s face as Kazuto picks Alan up for the last shift in the truck is devastating. It’s hard to hide the pain of rejection on a good day, but Ryota seems to have a particularly difficult time with it. We want to gently hold and tell him there are greener pastures out there for him somewhere.
However, we love how Ryota deals with this. Ryota put himself in Kazuto’s path repeatedly, despite Kazuto’s lack of returned interest. And, instead of being bitter and spiteful about the constant rejection, as Kazuto chooses Alan for the final time, Ryota decides to make them a picnic basket lunch to take with them on the trip and wish them well. It’s a sweet, mature gesture that most people wouldn’t be able to bring themselves to do! Bravo Ryota!
But then, just when we thought the kid had himself sorted out, Ryota pulls Kazuto aside as he’s leaving the house and asks if they can leave together (housemates that leave together are intending to try for a relationship outside of the house)! Ryota, no! Kazuto looks absolutely morose that he has to do this with Ryota again. He of course tells him no, and we can’t help but sigh. Ryota leaves, and that’s that.

Dai and Shun
When Dai smiles, his whole body radiates, so when Shun chooses Dai for their last shift in the coffee truck, we melted right along with Dai. While they’re in the middle of their shift, the rest of the housemates show up with lunch for them all, bring their own aprons too, and pitch in to help on the last shift of the season. It’s Ikuo’s idea, but it’s a really wonderful way to say goodbye to the truck and all the experiences they all had while they worked it every day.
We can’t help but wonder, is it Ikuo’s intention to interrupt the last few moments of alone time that Dai and Shun will have before leaving the house? We don’t want to think nefarious thoughts about him, but still…! Nevertheless, the rest of the housemates all think it’s a good idea so if they think there is ill will, no one lets on they feel this way.
When it’s time to leave the house Shun and Dai leave together and Shun takes Dai to the oceanside to talk. They have another heartfelt conversation and Shun chooses this moment to tell Dai that he’s in love with him. Dai radiates, because of course, he does, returns the sentiment and they kiss! They leave the beach together and walk off into the sunset, and that’s a wrap on their love story. Is #DaiShun forever? We don’t really know, but we’re so happy that they’re going to give themselves the chance to figure it out!

Kazuto and Alan
After their shift in the coffee truck, with tears welling in Alan’s eyes, Kazuto tells him that he’s still very undecided about his feelings for the other man. In The Boyfriend, almost everyone wanted a piece of Kazuto, but Kazuto himself played things very close to his chest. We don’t know about you, but we’ve had a heck of a time trying to work out what the man is thinking and feeling. His face is so controlled and passive and his body language never gives a single thing away.
Despite this, he’s repeatedly asked for Alan’s one-on-one time so we were hoping that by The Boyfriend Ep10, Kazuto might reveal his feelings to Alan, and to us! But alas, he says he’s still unsure, and we just don’t know what to do with that!
However, at the end of the episode after everyone else has left, Kazuto blindsides us (and Alan, too, we think) and tells Alan with a stoic face and stony demeanor that he wants to leave the house with him. This might be the most shocking revelation of The Boyfriend Ep10. We’ve gone from I don’t know how I feel about you to please leave and attempt a relationship with me in just a few short minutes. They hug, but there are no smoochies. They do, however, leave the house hand-in-hand, and fam, we’re positively dying to know what will happen with these two in the future.
And that’s it, folks, that’s a wrap on The Boyfriend on Netflix. Honestly, we didn’t know what to expect when we pushed play on this series but we’re so thankful we did. These young, dynamic, and all vastly different Japanese men wormed their way into our hearts and souls and we wish them all nothing but the best in their next endeavors. A shoutout to Netflix for delivering something a little different – more of this please, in droves!
Now, the question remains: Will Daishun stand the test of time? What about Kazuto and Alan, who leave the house together, but in a very different place than Dai and Shun are? The Boyfriend is an absolute delight that we recommend with two very big thumbs up to all. Bring tissues to this last episode y’all, you will need them!
The Boyfriend is now complete and available to stream on Netflix globally. Follow us on X and Instagram for all queer stuff!
Featured Image: Courtesy of Netflix