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9-1-1 Lone Star: Drama, Drama, Drama. 3×08 “In the unlikely event of an emergency” review

At the Q+ Magazine offices here, we have been screaming for Tarlos content for weeks now. This week on 9-1-1 Lone Star’s episode In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency, we get just a wee bit of them together, but we get a whole lot of T.K. (Ronen Rubenstein) at least. We’ll take the breadcrumbs we’re given because this episode was one heck of a doozy. 

After the end of last week’s episode, it was very obvious that tragedy had arrived. As last week’s episode came to a close, viewers already had the information that T.K.’s mom had died. The writers just threw that news on us and then cut to the promo for next week. Just like that. So when In The Unlikely Event of an Emergency started this week with T.K. already plunged into a state of shocked despair, not a single tear was dry over here. 

We watched every second of this painful episode with our hands over our eyes. Here is our review. 

T.K. and Owen in In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency

3×08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency Overview

In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency opens with Owen (Rob Lowe), Carlos (Rafael Silva), and T.K. prepping and packing for an emergency flight to New York for Gwyn’s (Lisa Edelstein) funeral. In the Jewish faith, tradition demands that bodies be buried within twenty-four hours of dying, so the clock is on for T.K. and his loved ones to make it to New York City. 

T.K., however, is struggling badly with the passing of his mother and a little trip down memory lane reminds viewers that T.K. actually doesn’t deal well with stress and adversity. Viewers are quickly reminded that T.K. is a former drug addict, and well, it’s clear where this is going to go. 

T.K. in 3x08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency

In preparation for his flight to New York, desperate and grief-stricken, T.K. heads to the station where he ends up raiding the narcotics safe in the ambulance. Just as he is about to pocket some stuff, Owen shows up and catches him red-handed. It does seem like Owen intercepted T.K. pocketing anything that could get him in trouble, but this is 9-1-1 Lone Star and that would be too clean of an end to this bombshell storyline. 

T.K., Owen, and Carlos end up being late to the airport and miss their flights. Carlos gets Owen and T.K. onto a flight leaving in twenty minutes, but he can’t get a seat with them. Carlos tells T.K. that he’ll meet him in New York in a few hours. And so, T.K. and Owen board the flight on schedule to make it to the funeral. 

Tragedy strikes

But of course, simply touching down in New York City and attending the funeral would be very off-brand for T.K. and Owen. Constantly shrouded in life-threatening situations, this day is no exception. Shortly after taking off, one of the plane’s engines catches fire and things get bad very quickly. 

The lady T.K. is sitting next to gets half sucked out of the plane and then Owen and T.K. realize they have an actual medical emergency on their hands as well as a plane that is falling from the sky. They call Captain Vega to assist and get to work. 

Meanwhile, Carlos is stranded at the airport watching T.K.’s plane fall from the sky, thinking that he isn’t going to see his man ever again. The rest of the crew watch on from their various locations as well, as their beloved friends and coworkers begin their tragic plunge to death. 

The pilot is an expert though and manages to get the plane safely back on the ground before the thing can actually crash land. Everyone is okay, even the passenger that nearly ended up as sky-food. 

T.k. and Owen in 3x08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency

T.K.’s drug problem

While they’re in the air and working on their patient, T.K. does tell Owen that he was at the station earlier that day to steal drugs. He promises Owen that he didn’t take any and that he is still clean. 

This confession seems to end the idea that T.K. is now going to fall into a grief-ridden drug binge again, shattering himself and everything he has built for himself. We have trust issues though, and we’re not totally convinced that this storyline isn’t going to rear its ugly head again sometime soon. But we’ll see. 

Tarlos in 3x08 In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency


While there is absolutely no proof that this is going to happen, folks here at Q+ Magazine were talking about what comes next for T.K. and Carlos in the wake of this tragedy. The episode spent a significant amount of time focusing on T.K.’s fears for his baby brother as he moves forward in the world without his mother. 

Now, we aren’t claiming to be psychics, but we are wondering if this little nugget was implanted into the episode to foreshadow a future storyline where Carlos and T.K. finally do get hitched and take on the task of raising T.K.’s infant brother. 

We know the baby has a dad, but that means absolutely nothing in the 9-1-1 Lone Star universe. With the amount of life-threatening trash that T.K. and Carlos have been through lately, we wouldn’t be surprised if Carlos turns around next week and pops the question – because, who wouldn’t?

As In The Event of an Unlikely Emergency came to a close, we couldn’t help but ask ourselves… are the gays finally going to get a wedding and kid? We are manifesting. 

9-1-1 Lone Star streams live on Fox at 8 pm EST and PST on Mondays! Read out previous reviews of this show here! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!