9-1-1 Lone Star “Down to Clown” 3×15 review: Bite size Tarlos
As the beginning of another week began, we sat in front of the television excitedly waiting for this week’s episode of 9-1-1 Lone Star “Down to Clown”. We didn’t get any screen time/story lines for our queer babies last week so we felt like tonight could be our night. During the day, Fox themselves tweeted out a promo photo of our man Paul (Brian Michael Smith) and Ronen Rubenstein even announced that he was live tweeting this episode with the East Coasters.
Tonight, we thought, the queers will dominate.
Boy oh boy, we were wrong.

Our man Paul graced our screens exactly zero times during 9-1-1 Lone Star “Down to Clown”. We didn’t even catch a glimpse of his beautiful face at a rescue site. As the episode came to a close, we were perplexed by the fact that Fox was using his fan-base throughout the day to promote the episode, but baby himself wasn’t even in the episode. Inquiring minds want to know what Fox’s plan was with that strategy…
But you know how it goes with our approach to this show folks: if it’s not queer, we don’t cover it. So our review will be a short one today, because although we’re happy to report our other favorite neighborhood queers, Tarlos, did make an appearance, it was an iddy biddy side story at best.

Tarlos in “Down to Clown”
At the beginning of the episode, T.K. (Ronen Rubenstein) shows up with his crew to a gnarly job. A man has stabbed himself in the leg and a lizard creature has crawled inside the open wound. Yikes, fam. Just yikes.
Anygays, T.K. and his crew manage to extract the lizard from the man’s leg without injuring or killing the little fella and T.K. makes the executive decision to take him home and give him a shot at the Good Life instead of turning him over to animal control.
Except when he gets home, Carlos (Raphael L. Silva) is none too happy about their new housemate. Although he doesn’t tell T.K. no exactly, he makes it clear that he doesn’t want that thing in their house.
Who knew Carlos was unsettled by wriggly things that are caged in glass houses! Just adorable.

They set the lizard up in the terrarium but of course, that’s not the end of its introduction to the household. The little fella gets out, much to Carlos’ absolute horror, only to find that he has actually made contact with Carlos’ flesh itself. Carlos freaks, yells at T.K. and well, we’re not going to tell you the outcome of this one. You’ll have to watch for yourself!
“Tarlos’’’ addition to the episode was short and sweet. Their screen time was minimal but we were happy to see them get a story-line that didn’t include one of them facing impending death and doom and gloom. Even though they only showed up in a bite sized amount, Fox made no attempts to bury the gays last night, and for that we are grateful.
More of this please.
9-1-1 Lone Star airs on Fox at 9pm on Monday night. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!