The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone sneak peek trailer release
Directed by Maya Newell, The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone, is the story of Australian transgender teenager as she journey’s through her childhood, into transition, and into a public career that sees her chase her dreams and advocate for a better life for transgender folks in Australia.
The documentary begins following Georgie’s journey from a very young age. As Georgie says in the sneak peek trailer release, she’s always known that she was a girl. With the support of her family, Georgie has spent her adolescence advocating for, and fighting to change the laws in Australia regarding transgender people.

While not too much about the narrative of The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone is divulged in the trailer, this is likely to follow her on her battles in the courts and the influence that she has had on legal reform for the transgender community in Australia.
The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City, and the Sydney Film Festival in Australia.
Watch the trailer here:
For those who haven’t heard of Georgie before, for some cultural and historical perspective, she has led quite a public life in Australia. At age ten, she was the first transgender child to be legally granted the right to receive hormone blockers in Australia. It was this historical moment which eventually lead to legal reform for Australian families with transgender children.
In 2019, Stone also joined the cast of Neighbours as the first transgender character the program had ever showcased, a role which she pitched to the producers (and secured) herself. She then joined the spin-off Neighbours: Erinsborough High where she reprised the same character, and even went on to co-write one of the episodes.
The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone is slated for release on Netflix on September 22, 2022. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!