The Boyfriend Ep4: One Step Closer
Japanese dating show The Boyfriend recently dropped on Netflix, and fam, we’re addicted. Episodes 1, 2, and 3 went live on July 9, and audiences have anxiously waited for the arrival of episode 4. There’s been tension in the house about raw chicken smoothies (no, really), allegiances and connections are forged, and jealousy is emerging. Honestly, it’s been agony waiting to see how things will move forward with Dai and Shun in the wake of Shun’s revelation regarding how his feelings for Dai have progressed. We eagerly pressed play on The Boyfriend Ep4 the minute it landed in our cue.
It’s Usak’s turn to run the coffee truck today and the gogo dancer really wants to take Kazuto with him for the shift, but Kazuto is not in the house today. When Usak chooses Dai, the expression that washes over both Shun and Dai’s faces is rather priceless. Shun doesn’t really have anything to worry about though because it’s pretty obvious that there’s no sexy vibes happening between Usak and Dai. Maybe this will force Shun to look at himself a bit more closely and work out how he really feels about Dai though. We’re saddling up and locking in. Here are our thoughts on The Boyfriend Ep4.

Usak reveals to Dai that his stage persona and who he is in real life are not the same. On stage, he’s aloof, confident, and oozes sex appeal. However, the real Usak is self-conscious, afraid of getting hurt, quite introverted, and lacks the self-confidence he needs to go out and get what he wants from the world: love.
He’s into Kazuto though, and tells audiences that he hopes he can use this opportunity on the show to be brave enough to reveal his feelings and not hide himself away like he’s so used to doing.
When Kazuto returns to the house and Alan introduces himself to the man for the first time, clearly interested in what he sees, Usak’s eyes go a little green for a moment or two.
Usak attempts to draw Kazuto into conversation, but his introversion and his nerves definitely get the better of him and the whole thing is awkward and uncomfortable to watch. For us, Usak is the epitome of the old adage, never judge a book by its cover, because for all intents and purposes, Usak should be the most confident one in the house and it’s actually the opposite.
When given the opportunity to nominate himself to work with Usak, Kazuto does not throw his hat in the ring, leaving Usak drowning in a pool of self-doubt about his chances with the man.

The Chicken Breast Conflict
We can’t make this stuff up, folks, but Usak and his chicken breast consumption continues to cause conflict in the house. The group had previously agreed that Usak could have 1000 yuan to spend on his chicken breast a day, however, Usak doesn’t abide by the agreement and he spends more. This means the rest of the guys in the house have less money to spend on feeding the rest of them.
Dai is annoyed and brings the group together, confronting Usak about his overspending. Because the situation in the house is not real life, the whole chicken breast fiasco just seems hilarious, but it’s clearly important to Usak, who needs to keep his body in top shape for his livelihood.
Sharing a house with others is hard, even if it’s just for a short time. We feel bad for Usak, who seems genuinely upset by the whole ordeal. The Japanese men are so polite and rational about their conflict resolution and come up with a workable solution to support Usak and his chicken habit very quickly. The drama is squashed quickly and the house moves on.

Shun and Dai
Despite a moment of what looked like jealousy at the beginning of The Boyfriend Ep4 over Dai working with Usak, Shun spends the first half of this episode acting cooly towards Dai and rebuffing his advances. Dai is frustrated by the behavior, and honestly, we get it. Shun is so hot and cold with the man it’s hard to keep up!
Then, when Shun volunteers to work with Kazuto, it’s clear from the expression on his face that it hurts Dai. We can’t help but wonder if this is some warped attempt on Shun’s part to make Dai jealous and draw him in even closer. However, Shun tells Kazuto that there’s nothing going on with himself and Dai. He doesn’t think they’re suited because they’re not on the same wavelength and their energy levels don’t match.
Shun should be having this conversation with Dai, not Kazuto. Dai deserves to know how Shun feels about him, considering how transparent he’s been and how much time he’s invested in Shun. We’re not about that lead-on life and Shun needs to step up and do the right thing.

Kazuto is a popular man indeed. Usak is clearly into him, and Alan announces that he’s attracted to Kazuto as well. Kazuto tells Shun that he’s got a crush on someone and then pulls Alan aside and basically confesses his feelings for him in a roundabout way. Alan goes back into the house and, motivated by jealousy, Usak wanders out to catch Kazuto as well.
Honestly, this moment in The Boyfriend Ep4 kind of feels like Usak is walking straight into his doom. However, Kazuto doesn’t exactly shut him down, like we expected. When Usak tells Kazuto that he wants to connect with him, he wants the opportunity to go out on a date with him, Kazuto tells audiences that he wants to get to know Usak too! And look, we know that Kazuto basically just confessed feelings to Alan, but isn’t that what these kinds of shows are for? So that the guys can date around, test all the feelings out, and see who they like best?
We love an underdog in this house, and Usak is definitely the underdog in this situation. We’ll be watching this space to see how this plays out between the three of them.
However, in a move so shocking we audibly gasped, completely blindsiding us from left field, Ryota emerges with confessions of his own. He tells Shun that he also likes Kazuto and he feels some type of way about the fact that others are verbalizing their feelings for him. In a bold move, Ryota takes Kazuto outside and dumps his feelings on the guy, just like the others did. Kazuto is all of us as he emanates utter shock and surprise over Ryota’s confession, thanking him for the information. He doesn’t reciprocate though, not really, and the disappointment is obvious on Ryota’s face.
Three confessions from three different people all in one day. Kazuto, sir, no one is doing like you!
As The Boyfriend Ep4 comes to a close, it’s announced that the housemates have an opportunity to nominate someone they would like to have a sleepover date with. If both parties nominate each other, the match is solidified and the date will proceed. Kazuto is announced as a successful match but the credits roll before we learn who he selected for his date.
We’re screaming and scrambling for the play button on the next episode! The Boyfriend Ep4 is addictive and tantalizing in all the best ways. Tensions are high in the house right now and we are chomping at the bit, desperate to learn who Kazuto chose as his sleepover companion.
Till the next episode, over and out!
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Featured Image: Courtesy of Netflix
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