The Boyfriend Ep2: Getting To Know The Real You
The Boyfriend is a new Japanese gay dating show that throws a group of queer men into a house together to see if sparks fly between any of the contestants. At the end of Episode 1 of the new Netflix series, the six contestants who settled into the house were introduced to another man set to join the show. Usak is one of Japan’s most popular gogo dancers, and his arrival ignites an electric vibe and sparkling level of excitement among the others. The Boyfriend Ep2 opens with his arrival in the actual house and his integration into the group.
However, before Usak’s arrival, connections were already forming among the other guys. In a letter-writing task intended to show their interest in each other anonymously, the men were given a low-stakes opportunity to reach out to their crush. The young, spry, and ever-popular Dai received three notes from castmates. The charismatic Kazuto and the cute and shining Gensei also received a letter each, with Taeheon and Ryota coming up empty-handed. Overly-serious Shun received a letter as well but failed to write one himself, telling viewers *gasp* that, so far, none of the guys in the house sparks his fancy.
As Usak unpacks his things in The Boyfriend Ep2, it’s clear his life is nothing like the others living in the house. He brings with him several kilograms of chicken for a chicken smoothie (what?! It’s raw, y’all), and there is a lot of debate regarding whether or not Usak will be able to eat the same meals as the others. Join us as we journey through The Boyfriend Ep2 where the contestants are presented with new challenges and opportunities for romantic connections with others.

Ryota and Gensei
As the episode opens, the first task is handed down. Ryota is slated to take the first shift in the coffee van and he must choose someone to work with for the day. Ryota chooses Gensei and mentions that he’s interested in both working with him and getting to know the man more personally, indicating a potential romantic connection between the two. The picturesque beachside setting is idyllic as Ryota and Gensei get down to business.
Both men are calm and balanced, and as they begin their day, the commentators think Ryota and Gensei are a good match. Despite his clear propensity for introversion, Ryota capitalizes on the alone time together and tells Gensei that it was an easy decision for him to pick Gensei today – that it’s him that he wants to get to know. Bold.
At the conclusion of their shift together, the two men are asked to write letters to each other regarding their experience in the truck. Ryota reveals that based on the handwriting, Gensei may be able to detect whether or not Ryota wrote him an anonymous letter from episode 1. Gensei just assumes the letter he received is from him, but as the camera pans over the letters, Ryota reveals he wrote to Dai, and the commentators point out that the handwriting is not the same. They’re shocked and can’t understand how Gensei makes a mistake like that!
After having worked in the truck with Gensei though, later in The Boyfriend Ep2 Ryota reveals that despite writing to Dai, it’s actually Shun that he’s interested in pursuing more seriously. WHAT?! We definitely did not see that one coming.

Dai and Shun
Dai is the second contestant selected to work in the coffee van. Unsurprisingly, considering how vocal he was during episode 1 about his crush on Shun, Dai selects Shun to work with him. Dai is clearly in the throws of lust with Shun, and mentions to the camera that working with him in the van presented many opportunities for them to kiss (they didn’t, though). With a sparkle in his eye, he talks candidly about Shun’s lips, but despite how forward Dai appears to be, Shun has trouble picking up the vibe.
While Dai certainly looks at Shun like he’s a snack, Shun’s extreme seriousness regarding love and relationships throws Dai off a little. Neither of them seems to have a clear idea of where they stand with one another. At the time they head into the van together though, audiences are completely unaware of how Ryota feels about Shun, but fam, we spy a love triangle standing by!

Taeheon and Shun
For someone who didn’t write any letters to anyone in the house in episode 1, Shun sure is popular (maybe it’s that angelic face of his!?). When Taeheon is selected for the third shift in the coffee van in The Boyfriend Ep2, he selects Shun to go with him. Taeheon tells Shun he likes his confidence and that’s why he selected Shun to accompany him in the truck.
In a really beautiful revelation, Taeheon says that when someone loves themselves (as he thinks Shun clearly does) then they’re ready to be loved properly by another person, and fam, if that doesn’t make you swoon, we don’t know what will!
Putting his seriousness regarding relationships aside, Shun is sincere with everyone he works with and properly gives his attention to those around him. It’s endearing, but we’re joining the ranks of the castmates who are having difficulty reading where he’s at. Later in the episode, he does reveal who he’s into though, so make sure you watch all the way through.

Gensei and Dai
In The Boyfriend Ep2 friendships emerge as well as romantic connections! When it’s Gensei’s turn in the van, he selects Dai to work with him. However, Dai and Gensei are just besties and Gensei makes it clear to viewers that there’s nothing more between them than that. He says he’s not ready to select Ryota yet, but the commentators seem to think that there’s something festering there with the two of them under the surface.

Kazuto and Ryota
Kazuto takes Ryota with him on his shift in the coffee van. They make a lot of money together, they talk about past relationships, and there’s a comment about the state of marriage equality in Japan *coughs*. Kazuto’s reflections on the state of things for the queer community in Japan are interesting as he shares that he was destined to take over his parent’s farming business, but on account of his sexuality, that seems impossible for him to do that now.
The conversation between Ryota and Kazuto is deep, important, and socially relevant, but it doesn’t feel like sparks exactly fly between the two of them. Kazuto is thoughtful and reserved and seems to be holding himself close to his chest.

Conflict! Conflict! Conflict!
There is so much happening in The Boyfriend Ep2 y’all! Allegiances and feelings are starting to emerge. Ryota asks Gensei to work with him, but really, he’s into Shun. Shun has definitely friendzoned Ryota and tells the poor man that he is into Dai.
Meanwhile, poor Ryota isn’t put off by Shun’s confession about Dai and is clearly developing a plan to confess his own feelings to Shun at some time in the future. He wants to wait for the right time though, which – okay, but yikes fam. The conflict is real!
Dai and Shun begin to spend time together, but Shun finds naked photos of Dai on his phone and is scared away by the player vibes the pictures emanate. He reveals he’s been hurt by men like that before and made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t get involved with another guy of that nature.
Shun seems fixated on the idea of Dai in this regard and retreats into himself for the rest of the episode. As the credits roll, it’s Shun’s turn to select someone to work with in the van. Both Ryota and Dai close their eyes in anticipation of the big reveal. Audiences are left hanging until the next episode to find out who he chooses.
We are seated and invested in the happenings of the Green Room. When it comes to the Dai-Shun-Ryota situation, we know who we’re rooting for! Have you chosen a side yet? Drop by our socials and let us know about your faves. Until the next episode, that’s it for us and The Boyfriend Ep2. Over and out, and see you next time!
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Featured Image: Courtesy of Netflix
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