Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill: An anti LGBTQ bill
Despite the fact that it’s 2022 and much progress has been made in recent years for LGBTQ equality around the world, the community remains under attack here in the United States. At the time of writing, more than 100 anti-LGBTQ bill, most of which target trans and non-binary youth, are passing through state legislatures all around the country.
One of the most harmful pieces of legislation working its way through legislatures right now is Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The anti-LGBTQ bill states that school districts “may not encourage discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”
If passed, teachers in K-12 classrooms across Florida could be prohibited from discussing LGBTQ people and LGBTQ issues. This is dangerous for many reasons. It means that teachers wouldn’t be able to discuss historical moments that include LGBTQ people. They wouldn’t be able to read and study books and literature featuring LGBTQ characters. Health classes would be forced to remove health information specific to LGBTQ health issues. The LGBTQ community would be effectively erased from public education.

Why this is harmful
The Trevor Project has done extensive research into LGBTQ visibility for youth. A study they performed found that LGBTQ students who learned about queer issues and people in school were 23% less likely to attempt suicide in the last year.
Anti-LGBTQ bills like “Don’t Say Gay”, which target queer youth couldn’t have come at a worse time. According to the Trevor Project, 42% of LGBTQ youth, which encompasses more than half of the trans and non-binary youth, seriously considered suicide over the last year.
The same study proved that only one in three LGBTQ youth live in homes where they feel their sexuality is accepted. For these kids, school is the place where they are able to receive the affirmations they need.

The anti-LGBTQ bill seems to ensure that parents have more control over what their children are exposed to in school. An earlier bill, known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, attempted to establish this control. The bill was largely unsuccessful though, as it has been revealed recently that schools were not completely transparent with families on these issues.
Republican lawmaker Joe Harding, who introduced the bill in the state House of Representatives, hopes it will “reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing and control of their children.”
If this new anti-LGBTQ bill, “Don’t Say Gay” passes, it will enable students and families to take legal action against schools and teachers that are facilitating inclusive LGBTQ curriculum and discussions.

Criticism of the anti-LGBTQ bill
Despite the fact that the anti-LGBTQ bill definitely seems to be gaining traction in Florida, many others around the United States are speaking out in criticism of its intentions.
President Biden made a statement condemning the bill.
“I want every member of the LGBTQI+ community — especially the kids who will be impacted by this hateful bill — to know that you are loved and accepted just as you are. I have your back, and my Administration will continue to fight for the protections and safety you deserve,” tweeted President Biden.
Chasten Buttigieg, husband of the U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, also spoke out against the bill, imploring that this anti-LGBTQ bill will make Florida “a harder place for LGBTQ kids to survive in.”
All eyes are definitely on Florida right now as this attack on our LGBTQ youth continues to make its way through the state legislature. Watch this space as more information becomes available.
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