Asexual Representation: Ca$h and Darren’s Relationship in Heartbreak High
When Season 2 of Heartbreak High kicks off, Ca$h (Will McDonald) finds himself in lockup and Darren (James Majoos) is waiting at home for his return. They’re together though, and trying to make a go of their brand new relationship in the best way they can long-distance style. It’s a soft launch for the pair, giving them time to think about the differences in their respective sexualities. The asexual representation woven into Ca$h’s character in Season 1 was compelling, and we enthusiastically tuned into Season 2, anticipating the development of the relationship between Ca$h and Darren. The writers of Heartbreak High did not disappoint.
Ca$h is, by far, the most nuanced and interesting character in the Heartbreak High universe. He’s what society would call a ‘troubled kid’. He’s been involved in illegal activity for most of his adolescence, he now has a criminal record, and he’s spent time in jail. But he’s also a moral individual who definitely understands the difference between right and wrong, and he cares about it, despite his criminal history. He loves deeply, he’s loyal, and despite first impressions, he’s emotionally intelligent and in touch with himself.
We were rooting for Ca$h and Darren from the very beginning but with the limited asexual representation available for the community, it was unclear if their relationship would be based on stereotypes of asexuality, or whether the writers would do a deep dive into the ace universe with Ca$h’s character. We’re happy to report that, in Heartbreak High season 2, the latter occurred. Come with us as we journey through the relationship that evolves between Ca$h and Darren in Heartbreak High season 2.

The Ace Label
In season 1, the word ‘asexual’ was never uttered, but the evolution of Ca$h’s character showed all the telltale signs of this queer identity. In season 2, the word ace is actually spoken out loud when referring to Ca$h, and refreshingly, none of his classmates have anything negative to say about it. The only pushback from anyone that Ca$h receives is from Dusty (Josh Heuston) who calls Ca$h selfish for wanting to be with someone as sexually motivated as Darren.
While it’s obvious that Ca$h isn’t completely comfortable with the word asexual just yet, he seems more comfortable with that than forcing himself into sexual situations. In that same aforementioned conversation with Dusty, Ca$h tells him that he and Darren are working it out, trying to figure out the best way forward for themselves.
Despite their differences and the conflict that sex raises in their relationship, this representation is so important because many asexual people are in romantic relationships with people who are not asexual in real life. This is one of the biggest misconceptions about the ace community: that they’re not capable of relationships with others that aren’t ace. Just like any other queer identity, it can take people time to settle into their asexuality and work out what it means for them. There are many varieties of asexuality out there, and as Ca$h stumbles through season 2, it’s so refreshing to watch him try and work out what asexuality means to him.

The Sex Stuff
So how do the writers of Heartbreak High deal with the differences that exist between Ca$h and Darren when it comes to sex? These two characters are definitely not doing it in the traditional sense, but they are experimenting with variations of sex that Ca$h may, or may not, feel comfortable with. In one episode, they share a sexually charged moment where Darren gets himself off, but Ca$h is present, touching is involved, and they’re definitely kissing. Darren clearly enjoys it, and Ca$h seems completely comfortable with it as well.
Then, Darren tries to instigate a second union of the same kind a short while later, and Ca$h pulls back, explaining that while it does seem to work for them as a middle ground, he isn’t going to want to do it all the time. Cue complications and brick walls here, fam.
They love each other, and despite everything else, that much is abundantly clear. The Heartbreak High writers should be commended for allowing these two characters space to negotiate a pathway through their differences, instead of just having them give up on themselves and walk away. The latter would only serve to reinforce the idea that ace people can only be with other ace people, which is just not true. The minutiae of Ca$h and Darren’s relationship successfully erodes the negative stereotypes that currently exist about asexuality and the asexual community.
In a bit of a plot twist, in season 2, Darren joins the Puritans to try and change for Ca$h and be less of a sex-driven human. But as we all know, we can’t change who we are for the one we love and that plan falls apart after not too long. However, it’s important that this was included in the show because it perpetuates the notion that our sexual identity is ingrained in who we are, it’s not a choice, and we can’t change it for someone else – despite how much we may want to. In the same vein that Ca$h is ace and absent of sexual desire, Darren is queer and driven by it.

Ca$h and Darren, The Maturity Of It All
While they’re obviously still very young, in season 2, Ca$h and Darren show great maturity in navigating the complexities of their relationship. They talk rationally and calmly about their feelings – a lot – and they really do consider each other in everything they do.
Yeah okay, so they make a few decisions individually that aren’t the best, but how they deal with the consequences of those events is mature and healthy. There’s no bitterness, no revenge, and no hard feelings for mistakes that are made. They talk them through and get on with their lives.
As the season comes to a close, it’s obvious they don’t have all the answers to their problems and their differences, but their love for each other is strong. If there’s a Season 3, we’re sure the writers will either solidify the future of this relationship and provide a pathway forward that works for them both, or carefully bring their union to an end.
Is it possible for someone like Darren to be with someone like Ca$h? In real life, the answer is definitely, yes. But in Heartbreak High Land it remains to be seen at this time. These two characters are both still very young and might not be capable of finding that nuance needed to make this work just yet, but honestly, as the credits rolled in Season 2, even after all the drama that occurs in the final episode outside of the Ca$h and Darren ship, the question at the forefront of our minds was: what happens for Ca$h and Darren now?
Hey Netflix, please give our fave onscreen couple another season, okay? We need to know what the future holds for this dynamic duo!
Heartbreak High Season 2 is available to stream exclusively on Netflix. Follow us on X and Instagram for all queer stuff!
Featured image: Image Courtesy of Netflix.