The Boyfriend Ep7: There’s Nothing I Want Now
How great is Netflix’s Japanese queer dating show? If you don’t know what we’re talking about, stop what you’re doing head over to Netflix and give it a look in. If you’ve been following our coverage though, you’ll know that in episode 6, things really shifted gears in the Green Room. Both Alan and Kazuto and Shun and Dai cooled things down, but the arrival of a new addition to the house is making waves. It looks like Ikuo is making a play for Dai, and Shun definitely notices. Come with us as we journey through The Boyfriend Ep7 and check out what our fave Japanese queers are up to today!
After the picnic in episode 6, things in the Green Room have officially entered awkward-land. At dinner, they talk about the picnic, but Shun doesn’t say much at all. Dai and Ikuo continue to politely dance around each other and yikes fam, how can the other housemates stand the tension? It’s not long before Dai is sitting down to talk to Shun about the obvious happening at the picnic.

Dai and Shun
The saga continues! When Dai and Shun sit down to chat after dinner, it’s so obvious that Shun is seething in jealousy. He accuses Dai of being all talk and no action, and actually says he’s not someone who ‘walks the walk’. It seems a little unfair of Shun to be expressing such things towards Dai when just last episode the man friendzoned Dai and told him he was done. He reiterates those exact words again in this conversation but it’s so obvious that he is, in his own way, throwing a tantrum!
Our favorite thing about the whole situation though, is that Dai clearly understands that Shun does want him, despite the cold attitude and the passive-aggressive tension. Any worries we were harboring about Dai and Ikuo fizzle out pretty fast in The Boyfriend Ep7 because it’s abundantly clear that even though they’re in the middle of a cold war, Dai and Shun are still very much hooked on each other.
The housemates head to a go-kart race track for the day and the winner of all the events gets to request to do something with a person of their choosing. It absolutely killed us when Shun won and he said he doesn’t have a wish for anyone. What kind of hard-to-get game is this kid playing? We want to shake, shake, shake him!
It takes almost no time whatsoever for Shun to start reciprocating his feelings again and before too long he’s telling the audience he wants to go on another date with Dai, and hugging him goodnight in the middle of the hallway in his underwear. But hold onto your hats, fam, because it’s Dai’s turn in the truck the next day and Shun does not raise his hand to work with him. We repeat, Shun does not raise his hand to work with Dai.
Oh Shun! The absolute hot and cold disposition of Shun is so incredibly frustrating to watch. We can’t even imagine how Dai feels. What on earth is that man thinking?!

Kazuto and Ikuo
We’re starting to think that Kazuto emits some kind of invisible love dust or something because just about everyone in the house is hung up on him! After being in the house for only a short time, Ikuo throws his hat in the ring and tells Kazuto in a private one-on-one chat that he thinks it was love at first sight when he met Kazuto!
We feel completely exasperated and overwhelmed for Kazuto because y’all, it’s easy to see on his face that he’s just tired of being bombarded by confessions that he hasn’t done anything at all to elicit! Sure, it must be flattering to be that wanted, but the awkwardness of getting up each morning knowing that almost everyone in the house is trying to get his attention is a lot of pressure.
However, in The Boyfriend Ep7, even though he was completely blindsided by Ikuo’s confession, Kazuto volunteers to work with him in the truck. It goes fine for all intents and purposes, but it doesn’t really feel like there’s anything there – or maybe we just can’t read Kazuto like we wish we could!
However, when it is Kazuto’s turn to work the truck and literally every single housemate raises his hand to work with him that day, Kazuto does not choose Ikuo. So maybe we’re not so far off after all!
The Boyfriend Ep7 sees Gensei realize that Ryota really isn’t interested in him. It hurts, but Gensei, like the soft squishy bean that he is, takes it like a champ. Ryota on the other hand is not coping with the fact that clearly Kazuto’s affections don’t sway in his direction. He seems unwilling to let him go, despite Kazuto being pretty clear in both his words and actions that there will never be a them. Alan is trying to work out where he stands with Kazuto, but right now, we’re not sure it’s looking too good for team Alan either.
The Boyfriend Ep7 is full of tension and emotions are heightened all around. We can’t take the situation between Dai and Shun much more and we’re hoping and praying we get a little reprieve for them soon *coughs* we hope Shun sorts himself out, for all our sakes!
The Boyfriend is available to stream on Netflix and is releasing intermittently throughout the month of July. Till next time, over and out!
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Featured Image: Courtesy of Netflix
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