Young Royals S3 EP3: The Highlights of the Third Episode
The investigation into Hillerska is well underway, and in Young Royals S3 Ep3, the Inspectorate comes to the school to perform a grassroots analysis of the state of things at the elite boarding school. The kids are doing what they can to save their special place, Sara shares some important bonding moments with her dad, and Wilmon is doing the dance with no pants, again!
The episode opens with a tense conversation between Wille and the Queen, as she comes quite unstuck on the phone. The woman isn’t doing well, and the pressure on Wilhelm to step up and possibly replace her becomes a real thing in this episode. We’re really hoping this woman pulls herself together soon, because who wants to be King and in high school at the same time?
No thanks!
For obvious – coughs – reasons – coughs – Young Royals S3 Ep3 is one of our fave in the entire season. Here are all the highlights of this fantastic episode.

Sara’s Relationship With Her Dad
While we’ve never really been much of Sara (Frida Argento) fan, the resolution of her story arc in this season definitely made us feel things. In Young Royals S3 Ep3 there’s a particularly poignant conversation that takes place between Sara and her dad that we feel is responsible for a lot of her growth as a character in this season. Micke (Leonard Terfelt) tells Sara that although they share the same diagnosis, it doesn’t make them the same person. Sara does not have to be bound to a life destined to make mistake after mistake, even though that’s how Micke’s life seems to have played out.
The bond that they forge in this episode seems to free Sara of some of her depression. She’s able to think clearly and do what she needs to do for herself to move forward and try and make proper amends for the harm she caused her friends and family members. Being around her dad, even though their relationship has never been a positive one, seems to be instrumental in Sara’s forward mobility.
If Sara and Micke can have a second chance, then maybe Sara and others can too. Sara did the wrong thing, but the important thing is that she knows that and is trying to fix it. If for nothing else, at a time when she is at her absolute lowest, her newfound relationship with Micke seems to provide her with a little comfort and strength, and she uses this to pick herself up from rock bottom.

THAT Scene – You Know The One!
You know the one we’re talking about – that one! Simon and Wille finally get a moment alone together and well, it’s magical. We say this in the most non-pervy way possible, but W-O-W wee! It’s tasteful, effervescently beautiful, and it leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. In the past, Wilmon’s intimate scenes have been the result of desperation, angst, and pining for one another, but this time, the whole thing is just fueled by love and a desire to be with each other.
Despite everything that’s happening around them, they’re able to find happiness and solace in each other. Excuse us while we go and cry ourselves a river in the corner.
It’s also worth mentioning that we were cooing over their post-coitus chat, as well. They’re finally able to rely on each other and support one another like partners are supposed to. In this scene, they’re talking about their family issues in a healthy way. Up until this point, so much has been preventing them from being this important person for the other, and it’s humbling to get to watch them settle into that space now.
Aww heck, we might need more tissues!

The Needling Tension – We Loves It!
Even though Wille and Simon are finally able to enjoy their love for each other, a persistent, low-lying tension has definitely been building around them. In Young Royals S3 Ep3, this tension shifts gears and kicks up a notch. Wille experiences pressure from his royal handlers to try and reign in Simon’s behavior and change him to fit the royal mold. However, Wille clearly doesn’t want to change anything about Simon and is stuck as the middleman between his family and his boyfriend.
At the end of the day, Wille and Simon’s lives are wildly different. Simon is a normal person who lives a normal life, whereas Wille leads a life of decadent privilege. As this episode unfolds, it becomes crystal clear that any future for the two of them depends on one of them fundamentally changing who they are. Wille can’t be the Crown Prince and date a regular person at the same time, and Simon can’t date a royal and keep his Very Normal life. So who will it be? Which one is going to give in and make the change?
The needling tension that’s woven into this episode is palpable, and we love every second of it. The pressure on Wille to step into proper royal duties juxtaposed against the backdrop of ordinary first love is heart-wrenching. He clearly feels an obligation towards his family legacy, but this was never supposed to be his life. Erik (Ivar Forsling) was supposed to be the King. We can’t wait to see how they resolve this issue as the remaining episodes hurtle towards the series finale!
And that’s it for Young Royals S3 Ep3. Stay tuned for our Young Royals S3 Ep4 highlights coming in a couple of days. You can read all about S3 Ep2 here.
The first 5 episodes of Young Royals are available to stream on Netflix. The final episode will drop on March 18. Follow us on X and Instagram for all queer stuff!
Featured image: Image Courtesy of Netflix
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