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The Umbrella Academy Season 3: 5 plot twists that blew us away!

The new season of The Umbrella Academy has been available to stream for two weeks now, so we think it’s time to share with y’all the 5 plot twists that not only managed to blow our minds, but also had us throwing a thing or two to our televisions.

The Umbrella Academy Season 3 sees the Hargreeves siblings trying to prevent another apocalypse, but this time with the reluctant help of their alternate timeline counterparts – The Sparrows. It’s a tad long to explain, so if you want a more detailed recap of the show’s third season, we recommend reading our review first and then coming back. If not, this is a recap of the recap of the recap.

At the end of season 2, the Umbrellas time-traveled back to the present, but the events that took place in 1963 created a time paradox that’s tearing apart the very delicate fabric of time and space. The Kugelblitz, which is the name of this destructive force that was formed in the wake of their arrival, is nothing more than a black hole that’s causing the universe to collapse instead of expanding. So our Brellies are forced to save the world once again, but this time, not knowing that they will pay a very high price for it.

It was a season full of twists and turns, so narrowing our list down to just 5 plot twists was HARD, folks, but we tried our best. So join us as we count down the top 5 plot twists that The Umbrella Academy Season 3 threw at us!

Image Courtesy of Netflix

5. Diego is a dad, but isn’t, but will be!

The first curveball the show threw at us was the fact that Diego (David Castañeda) barely had any time to process what was going on around him before Lila (Ritu Arya) showed up at Hotel Obsidian and surprised him with the news that he was a dad and that they had a 12-year-old son named Stan (Javon Walton).

Listen, ever since it was announced that Javon was joining the cast of The Umbrella Academy for its third season, we got excited. You know we’re Euphoria fans too, so we couldn’t wait to see what his role would be in this show. As Ashtray, Javon stole (and broke) our hearts, and while we weren’t expecting him to play Diego and Lila’s son, the surprise was perfect. 

What wasn’t so perfect was the fact that in the end it turned out that Stan wasn’t really their son, but the son of one of Lila’s friend that she ‘borrowed’ just to make Diego’s life miserable and put him to tests because she is in fact pregnant with his child. So although in the end Diego didn’t turn out to be Stan’s father, he did show that he has everything to be a good example for his unborn child. 

And Stan? Well, he was turned to ashes by the Kugelblitz, but we hope that with the reset of the universe that took place in the season finale, we get to see him again, because it was a delight to see this young actor show his comedic side.

Image Courtesy of Netflix

4. The Grandfather Paradox

One of the first plot twists that had us scratching our heads and wondering what the heck was going on this season was discovering that none of the mothers of the OG Hargreeves siblings were alive in this timeline; and that, in fact, they had all died before even giving birth to them.

When the Umbrellas first landed in this new ‘present’, Five (Aidan Gallagher) warned his siblings that alternative versions of themselves were most likely alive in this timeline, so all they had to do to avoid altering the space-time continuum was stay away from them (their doppelgängers) and they would all be fine.

But Klaus (Robert Sheehan) becomes obsessed with the idea of finding out who his birth mother is, so of course he doesn’t listen to Five and instead tricks him into going on a road trip with him to find his biological mother. This quest leads both Klaus and Five to the startling discovery that all their mothers mysteriously died before they were even born and that is why their presence in this new ‘present’ created what’s known as the Grandfather Paradox.

The Umbrella Academy, 5 plot twists. Viktor is behind the apocalypse again.
Image Courtesy of Netflix

3. The man behind the Kugelblitz

This one is 100% linked to the previous one. As y’all know, back in 1963, when Viktor saved Sissy’s (Marin Ireland) son from drowning, he accidentally transferred some of his powers to the boy (then played by Justin Paul Kelly). Now a man in his 60s, Harlan (Callum Keith Rennie ) is back and he’s just as powerful and dangerous as Viktor.

Since they reconnect, Viktor feels very protective of him, because he knows that it’s his fault that Harlan is like this and decides to help him get rid of his powers for good. But what Viktor didn’t expect was to discover that it was actually Harlan who killed all of their mothers!

Yes, folks. It turns out that Harlan’s mother got cancer sometime in the 1980s and when she died (October 1st, 1989), Harlan, moved by grief, lost control of his powers and lashed out, killing the soon-to-be mothers of the OG Hargreeves siblings. 

So, to put it in simpler words, he is the reason the Kugelblitz exists as he caused the Umbrellas to never be born. But really it’s all Viktor’s fault because he transferred those powers to Harlan in the first place. So in short: Viktor is the direct cause of the apocalypse for the third time! 

The Umbrella Academy, 5 plot twists. Klaus is immortal.
Image Courtesy of Netflix

2. Klaus is immortal!

When Stan accidentally killed Klaus in episode 4, we lost it, folks. We really did. We couldn’t believe that this show was actually going to use the bury your gays trope in 2022. We’re not going to lie, the very idea made us furious. But then when episode 5 started, the show managed to throw us off balance with the shocking revelation that Klaus has actually died many times in his life and has always managed to come back. Like, what!?

As y’all know, Klaus’ powers involve (while sober) the ability to communicate with, conjure, and manifest spirits into the real world. Ironically, he is afraid of the dead, so he uses alcohol and drugs to self-medicate and keep his powers dampened. When speaking with Sir Reginald (Colm Feore) in the afterlife in Season 1, his adoptive father tells him that he has barely scratched the surface of the true potential of his powers. And boy, if that was true!

In this season, not only do we see Klaus come back to life after being killed by his alleged nephew, but he also trains with Sir Reginald to fully master the ability to come back from the dead again and again, and each time faster. It was such a shocking, but amazing surprise! We knew that all the Brellies were more powerful than they thought. And honestly? We’re SO here for immortal Klaus!

The Umbrella Academy, 5 plot twists. Five is the founder of the commission.
Image Courtesy of Netflix

1. The founder of the Commission! 

Ever since the first season of the show came out, one of the many questions we’ve had has always been who the hell founded the Temps Commission? If you don’t know, the Temps Commission is an organization that monitors and manages the space-time continuum. Their main job is to make sure that all the events that are supposed to happen, happen. To do this, they have agents ready to travel through time and eliminate anyone who poses a threat to their job.

On the show, the Commission has been a constant threat to the Brellies and until season 3 we knew that it was run by a Board of Directors, which met at different points in time and space every quarter. But with the end of the world just around the corner and with nowhere else to turn for answers to stop it, Five and Lila travel to the Commission’s HQ to see if there’s anything there that can help.

They obviously find it completely destroyed, but the founder’s capsule is still intact, and it’s there that a 100-year-old version of Five reveals that not only is he the founder of the Commission, but that he’s also severely maimed as a result of his own attempt to stop the apocalypse caused by the Kugelblitz.

We know, right!? The effing irony! All this time, Five has been running away and hiding from his own invention. Go figure! But now that we think about it, it totally makes sense and it’s a very Five thing to do. But still, this particular plot twist did manage to completely blow our minds. For us, it was the plot twist of all plot twists!

But tell us, what were your favorite plot twists this season? Were you expecting Klaus to be immortal or Five to be the founder of the Commission? Let us know in the comment section below!

The Umbrella Academy Season 3 is available to stream exclusively on Netflix. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!