911-Lone Star: Season Finale and Season 3 Review
Okay fam, we’ve covered all the queer parts of 9-1-1 Lone Start season 3 and we’ve been pretty vocal about the ups and downs we think the show is putting its queer rep through. We’re not going to lie – there were moments throughout this season where we weren’t even sure we were going to continue to support the show week in, week out.
We went into the season 3 finale telling ourselves that if we walked out of this episode feeling disgruntled at all, we’d be hanging up our 9-1-1 Lone Star hat and focusing our efforts elsewhere.
There were many instances of us during season 3, standing in the living room, throwing cushions at the television because T.K. (Ronen Rubenstein), Carlos (Rafael L. Silva), and Paul (Brian Michael Smith) were not getting the exposure, nor the representation they deserved. Because you know us, if it ain’t queer, we ain’t here for it!
Then, in a move that had us both rolling our eyes in frustration and screaming in delight all at the very same time, season 3 ended with the gayest bang to end all gay bangs. And now we’re stuck in hetero Texan firefighter hell for another season because Fox is finally giving the gays what they want (we bloody think so, anyway!)
Here is what we have to say about the season 3 finale, and the season 3 review overall.

Season finale
We’re not going to lie – it wasn’t a very plentiful episode for the queers at all. Carlos learned that T.K. didn’t have a will, and told his boyfriend in no uncertain terms to get that sorted out. Everyone at the firehouse also agreed, considering their line of work. Some even expressed surprise that T.K. wouldn’t have that sorted out already. Paul pops in here and there, but honestly, we were hanging out twaddling our thumbs waiting for some real queer action for quite some time.
Then, after Owen (Rob Lowe) gets himself into a situation on a rescue (because of course he does), he winds up in the hospital again. This seems to remind T.K. of his mortality and he makes a decision regarding his future that frankly, he should have realized much sooner.

T.K. wakes Carlos up in the middle of the night and announces that he is ready to make his will. But what he actually means is that HE WANTS TO MARRY CARLOS. Yep folks, T.K. wakes Carlos up to propose to his boyfriend. *insert gay screaming here*
Carlos says YES of course and my god, we imploded. Then Tarlos told their friends and they imploded, because of course they should!

Seriously, there had been so little Tarlos and Paul content in this episode that we had all but hung up the hat. We were just dutifully waiting for the episode to end so we could turn off our weekly reminder.
AND THEN THIS HAPPENS. How are we supposed to abandon them now?
We have so many thoughts and feelings that we just don’t know how to process this. There is going to be a gay wedding on Fox Network, fam. What is even life?

Season 3 review
Despite all the complaining about the queer treatment of our fave characters, there were some things we loved about this season. For one, despite the fact that we didn’t get much of them, when we did get to watch Carlos and T.K. together, we adored the growth they showed as a couple.
Their love is infectious and absolutely everyone in the fandom was hanging onto every Tarlos moment we were served. T.K. made it through a potential relapse because he had the love and support of a man like Carlos. We are very thankful Fox didn’t actually have T.K. walk down that path again because that would have been an all too easy gay disaster trope that has been done over and over.
We see you though, Fox. We saw you dangling that story-line in front of Tarlos fans for several episodes. We had our eyes firmly planted on you.

We loved that Paul continued to be a series regular, even if his story-lines were fewer and farer between than we liked. Paul’s inclusion in this show is so incredibly important for the trans community and we want to continue to see him thrive.
However, we didn’t love that these queer characters didn’t get as much screen time as their heterosexual counterparts. T.K. is arguably considered a main character (other than Owen) and most of his story-lines tattered on him facing death. Fox dangled the ‘bury the gays’ trope in front of the queer fandom relentlessly this season, and really, its uncalled for.

We also hope that Fox hears the fandom’s cries and they do a better job of developing Carlos’ character in season 4. He is a fandom favorite and his absence from many episodes this season did not go unnoticed by all. It is not lost on us that the brown, gay dude is one of the most underdeveloped characters in the show. He has so much to give this series and his character is so much more than just T.K.’s lover fiancé.
But we’re getting a gay wedding, so we’ll stick around and support these babies for a while longer. But we beg you Fox – do the right thing and put these favorites front and center. What are you waiting for?
9-1-1- Lone Star is now on hiatus. But when it returns, you’ll be able to catch it on Fox. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!
We’re interested in your thoughts about how our gaybies were treated throughout this season. Share your thoughts with us in the comments box below!