9-1-1 Lone Star 3X04 “Push” Review: “Tarlos” is back!
Okay 9-1-1 Lone Star fans, buckle up. After four episodes of not knowing what in the heck is going on with our babies, fans finally get answers on the breakdown of Carlos (Rafael L. Silva) and T.K. (Ronen Ruebnstein). 3×04 “Push” is a pretty action packed episode so we’re not going to waste another minute more. We finally have the 4-1-1 on what went down with Tarlos!

9-1-1 Lone Star 3X04 “Push” episode recap
As the episode opens, Grace (Sierra Aylina McClain) is very much in labor. Billy (Billy Burke) is trying to get her to the hospital, but Grace doesn’t really want his help. Captain Strand (Rob Lowe) is back at home contemplating doing what it takes to save the 126, but mostly, we care about what is happening at the hospital.
T.K. is still unconscious, stuck in a dreamscape in conversation with his mom. His mom confirms what we already know – that it’s not looking good for T.K. – and basically begs the dude to stop dying. Carlos walks in on some nurses who say it’s just a matter of time, and it’s very clear they’re talking about T.K. passing on.
Carlos confirms that it was T.K. who broke up with him, and declares that he shouldn’t be sitting in a hospital holding vigil for a man that clearly doesn’t love him. Honestly, though, the cause of their breakup was totally frustrating! So, okay, Carlos did the wrong thing, but was it enough to cause them to end their relationship? We’re not convinced.

Spoiler alert: people are hard work sometimes. Carlos bought a house for himself and T.K. Thinking that he was doing the right thing, Carlos puts both his and T.K.’s names on the title deed. Carlos clearly sees them as the forever kind of together, so something like including T.K. on the title deed of the home they would be living in seems logical.
Except, Carlos didn’t include T.K. in any of the decision-making processes. Not financially or otherwise. This causes T.K. to panic and the dude ends up turning around on impulse and breaks it off with Carlos. And then they just… never attempted to work out their issues once the dust settled.
Honestly boys, really?!

Now T.K. is laying in the hospital, his father, Carlos, and everyone else who loves him rallying together because it looks like he isn’t going to make it. Carlos’ mom shows up to support Carlos through the situation. When she learns of the breakup, her hackles go up. 13/10, we love Mama Carlos and the way she steps in to defend her baby boy.
Grace has the baby, Judd (Jim Parrack) makes it to her just in time, and the 126 is reunited (because of course they were, right?!). T.K. wakes up and yes, he’s okay too. Most of all though, fans finally got some closure on the Tarlos situation. It took four episodes though. Four. We appreciate drawing out a storyline for the sake of drama, but not knowing what happened to them for so long was sheer torture.

We don’t know about you, but when we learned of the reason why they broke up, we wanted to sit them both down and smack them with a wet fish. We understand T.K. initially freaking out about something like that, but to just let it dissipate the way they did.
Not cool boys, not cool.
After 3×04 “Push” all is well once again with our favorite neighborhood gays, and all is well in the 9-1-1 Lone Star world once more. We’ll forgive the writers for the tortured journey they inflicted upon us this time.
9-1-1 Lone Star airs Mondays 8PM EST/PST on Fox! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!