9-1-1 Lone Star “Red vs. Blue” 3×07 Review: Umm hello, where is “Tarlos”?
It’s the beginning of another week, so like we do every week, we tuned into 9-1-1 Lone Star on Fox last night hoping to catch a glimpse of our fave Texan gays. Tarlos was entirely absent from last week’s episode (“The AXL-Files” 3×06), so we were sure that fans would get even just a small Tarlos snack this week. But alas, once again, fans that show up for their beloved gays week in and week out, were yet again denied in “Red vs Blue.”
We know this is the Owen (Rob Lowe) show and not really the T.K. (Ronen Rubenstein) and Carlos (Rafael L. Silva) show, but is it too much to ask to have them at least show up each week? We don’t think so.
So okay, at least Carlos appeared this week for more than five seconds. And T.K. and Carlos even stood in the same frame for a moment at one point. But they didn’t stand next to each other, and they didn’t interact so we don’t count that as Tarlos content. We also got about five seconds of them sharing a scene at the end of the episode, but really? Sigh. Nevertheless, we watched 3×07 “Red vs Blue.” So here are our thoughts for this week.

Episode 3×07 “Red vs Blue” recap
This week, the firefighters find themselves in opposition to the boys in blue. Owen pisses off a local cop who is notorious for throwing his weight around, and well, you know Owen. He is never one to back down from a challenge. The cop tries to give Owen a parking ticket for parking the fire truck in the middle of a highway during a rescue, and you can imagine how Owen took that.
The rivalry between the cops and the firefighters becomes a thing at the firehouse and the two groups end up facing off in a baseball game. Owen and the pesky police officer end up throwing hands in what can only be described as an eye-rolling display of heterosexual masculinity before they finally resolve their issues.
Meanwhile, Grace is experiencing some competitiveness of her own in the call center. Someone from the night shift joins the day shift and steps all over Grace’s perfect toes. It doesn’t look like this rivalry is going to be solved right away though, because Night Shift Dude is joining the day shifters permanently. So we anticipate much more conflict between these characters moving forward.

Where is Tarlos?
It’s no secret that we tune in here week after week for Tarlos (and Paul, but still). And we aren’t the only ones. A large portion of this fandom is here for the gays. We have definitely noticed that Tarlos don’t get nearly the amount of screen time the fandom so clearly desires. The latest example of this, is last night’s “Red vs Blue” episode. Come on Fox, what are you waiting for? Give the people what they want!
At least T.K. gets storylines and screen time outside of his story with Carlos. When we have no Tarlos candy to consume, we barely see Carlos at all. What’s up with that? We know so little about Carlos outside of his relationship with T.K., and we just think there is a world of untapped storylines going to waste right there.
We can’t figure out why Fox seems so reluctant to develop his character. Inquiring minds want to know!

Next week
We did what Ronen said and when 3×07 “Red vs Blue” was over, we watched the promo for next week, and honestly, we’re shook. There was some kind of accident with T.K.’s mom and she dies. T.K. jumps on a plane with Owen to get to her, but there is something wrong with the plane they’re on and my god, it looks like they’re in trouble now too.
T.K. has been through so much lately, almost dying himself. We’re absolutely terrified of how the writers are going to have T.K. deal with his grief. It was alluded to that the outcome isn’t going to be good.
We came into season three thinking we were getting a big gay wedding and buckets of happiness. Weren’t we the biggest clowns in the universe?

Till next week folks, over and out.
9-1-1 Lone Star streams live on Fox at 8 pm EST and PST on Mondays! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all queer stuff!