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5 Times Nick and Charlie Had Us in Tears in Heartstopper Season 3

Wow, Heartstopper Season 3 really hit us all right in the feels, didn’t it? From its tender explorations of love and identity to its deeper, more mature themes, this season was an emotional rollercoaster! And although we could talk about all the characters and what they went through this season, for the sake of this particular piece we’re going to focus exclusively on Nick and Charlie. So for that, we’ve prepared for y’all moments in their relationship that had us all misty-eyed—whether from joy, heartbreak, or a combo of both.

Now, choosing just five moments where Nick (Kit Connor) and Charlie (Joe Locke) had us in tears was no easy task. We had some pretty intense debates at the office (shoutout to the team for their passion!). But after much back-and-forth, we nailed down five unforgettable moments that totally wrecked our hearts—in the best way, of course.

But since ranking them felt impossible and we didn’t want to start another debate at the office, we decided to share them in chronological order. So grab some tissues as we dive into five moments from Nick and Charlie’s journey this season that left us all feeling utterly wrecked.

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Confession by the Sea (Episode 1 — “Love”)

Kicking things off, we have this gem of a scene at the beach. Nick, Charlie, and their friends are soaking up some sun and having some much-needed fun, and while the day feels lighthearted, both Nick and Charlie have something weighing on their minds—things they haven’t yet shared with one another.

When Nick invites Charlie to join him in the water, they wade in hand-in-hand, ready for some fun. As they play and kiss in the water, Charlie is ready to confess something big: he loves Nick. He’s even practiced saying those three words in front of a mirror. However, before he gets the chance, Nick admits he has something important to talk about too. 

Believing they’re on the same page, Charlie encourages Nick to go first, thinking their conversation will be about their shared feelings. But then, Nick throws a curveball and the conversation takes an unexpected and heartbreaking turn when Nick brings up his concerns about Charlie’s eating habits, suspecting he might be struggling with an eating disorder.

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This moment is a real heartbreaker. Nick’s coming from a place of love and concern, but when Charlie hears this, he immediately shuts down, denying having an eating disorder. Though he admits he has some issues with food, he downplays their severity. Nick, respecting Charlie’s perspective, doesn’t invalidate his feelings and simply asks if Charlie is sure. Charlie insists he’s fine. 

Honestly, the whole thing is hard to watch because you can feel the raw, unspoken pain and confusion swirling around them. Charlie ends up leaving the water, and the heartfelt confession he had planned just gets washed away by the waves. So yeah, we were left totally shattered, feeling the weight of unspoken love, worry, and pain between them.

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“I Love You” (Episode 1 — “Love”)

After the emotional rollercoaster of the beach scene, we finally get the long-awaited love confession we’ve been dying for—and it’s everything we hoped and then some. Later that same night, Nick’s packing for his three-week trip to Menorca. It’s the first time they’ll be apart for this long since they got together, and both are clearly feeling the weight of that distance already. While they joke about missing each other, there’s a tangible sadness underlying their words.

As Nick heads off to take a shower, Charlie is left to his thoughts. He glances up at the pictures Nick has of them on his wall and begins to reflect on their relationship. The montage that follows is a beautiful, tear-inducing reminder of all the moments they’ve shared—moments full of love and tenderness. It’s abundantly clear to not only Charlie but all of us too, just how much Nick adores him.

In that moment Charlie receives a message from his mom, reminding him that it’s time to head home, and though he knows he has to go, he’s also feeling the urgency to say what he feels before it’s too late. So, he walks up to the bathroom door, ready to come clean about what he’s been holding in.

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Through the closed door, Charlie confesses that earlier at the beach, he wasn’t entirely honest and what he really wanted to say was that he loves Nick. After Charlie utters those words, there’s a pause where Nick doesn’t respond right away, leaving Charlie thinking he’s said too much too soon. Flustered, he quickly says goodbye and rushes out of the house. That breaks Nick’s stunned state, and he slips in the shower trying to hurry out and stop his boyfriend. But by the time he gets out of the bathroom, Charlie is already leaving.

Not ready to let this moment slip by, Nick throws on a jumper and some shorts and chases after Charlie, who’s now walking home, harshly blaming himself for saying “I love you” too early. We gotta admit that Nick’s frantic pursuit, barefoot and barely dressed, makes the whole thing both hilarious and heart-melting at once. When Nick finally catches up, he wraps Charlie in a hug and asks him to repeat what he said. Charlie is adorably embarrassed but tells Nick he loves him again, insisting Nick doesn’t have to say it back.

But then Nick beams, and with so much warmth and sincerity, he tells Charlie that he loves him too, that he loves him so, so much. Cue the happy tears! The two share a kiss under the soft glow of a street lamp, a truly romantic, tear-jerker moment that perfectly captures the magic of first love. It’s just so heartwarming and relatable, and we can’t help but smile through our tears.

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Love Can’t Cure Mental Illness (Episode 2 — “Home”)

This one had us on the edge of our seats. Fans of the graphic novel are going to agree with us, but we were eagerly waiting to see this scene come to life, and boy, did it deliver. The episode dives into a tough phone call between Nick and Charlie that later leads to a heart-wrenching conversation with Nick’s aunt, Diane (Hayley Atwell).

After Charlie struggles at dinner and heads to his room, he gets a call from Nick, who’s been tipped off by Charlie’s sister, Tori (Jenny Walser), about his worsening state. The moment Charlie answers the phone, Nick’s gentle care shines through. He tells Charlie he’s worried about him but reassures him that it’s okay if he doesn’t want to talk about it. Nick asks Charlie if he has been eating and that’s when Charlie breaks down. Through tears, Charlie admits that Nick was right all along—he has an eating disorder. He apologizes, feeling ashamed, but Nick quickly tells him it’s okay and that he needs to talk to someone, like his parents, and get professional help.

Charlie, overwhelmed, tells Nick that he can’t talk to his parents, especially his mom (Georgina Rich). Unlike Nick’s supportive and understanding mother, Sara (Olivia Colman), Charlie’s mom doesn’t listen to him; she just gets angry. The weight of Charlie’s confession is too much for Nick, and he too starts to get emotional, confessing that he doesn’t know what to do anymore. It’s a moment so raw and painful, seeing these two boys—so young—trying to navigate such heavy, adult issues. Our hearts just break for them.

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After the call, Nick is down by the beach, trying to process everything and getting his frustration out of his system by throwing rocks into the sea. His aunt joins him, sensing that something is wrong. She gently asks him what’s been on his mind throughout their holiday. Nick, clearly overwhelmed, finally opens up to her, sharing that Charlie has an eating disorder and that things have gotten worse recently. He explains that he’s trying everything to help Charlie—trying to get him to talk about it, to seek help from his parents—but Charlie insists that he can’t.

Nick’s frustration and helplessness boil over, and he admits he’s terrified of losing Charlie. He loves him so much but feels like he doesn’t know how to help or fix him. Aunt Diane listens and hugs him, offering some much-needed comfort. She tells Nick that it’s okay to feel scared and overwhelmed—he’s only 16, after all, and it’s a lot for someone so young to handle.

Nick, desperate, says he has to fix Charlie because that’s what boyfriends do, but Aunt Diane gently tells him that maybe he can’t. And that’s the most heartbreaking part—Nick’s belief that it’s his responsibility to save Charlie. Aunt Diane explains that while Nick’s love for Charlie is powerful, it’s not enough to cure a mental illness. What Charlie needs is professional help—support from a doctor or therapist, someone who knows how to treat eating disorders.

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Aunt Diane doesn’t stop there, though. She reassures Nick that while he can’t “fix” Charlie, that doesn’t mean he’s powerless. She lists all the ways he can still support his boyfriend—being there to talk or listen, cheering him up on his bad days, and simply standing by his side through the tough times. That’s what love looks like, she says: knowing that you can’t be everything for someone but still being there when they need you the most.

We’re not gonna lie, the weight of that conversation left us absolutely shattered. Confession time? We had to pause the show for a full hour because we were crying so hard it was impossible to keep going. Seriously, this scene will stick with us for ages. It’s a reminder that while love is beautiful and powerful, it can’t fix everything.

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A Letter to Charlie’s Parents (Episode 3 – “Talk”)

This entire sequence had us crying from start to finish. It’s Nick’s birthday, and after a fun-filled day at the zoo with all their friends, Nick and Charlie wind down at Nick’s house. The scene starts light-heartedly, with Nick laughing when he opens a gift from Charlie and finds all the jumpers he’s “lost” to him over time. 

Charlie explains that they don’t smell like Nick anymore, so he doesn’t see the point in keeping them. Nick is both touched and amused, especially when Charlie admits he loves Nick’s scent. After sharing a kiss, Nick gives him the jumper he wore that day, making sure Charlie can still have something that smells like him.

But the real gift is at the bottom of the bag—a memories album—and it’s the cutest thing ever. The first picture is a sweet reminder of their day at the beach, with a note from Charlie that says, “You gave me a photo of us in the snow, so here’s one of us in the sun. Love, Charlie xxx.” Nick is overwhelmed by the gift and tells Charlie just how much he loves him, covering him with kisses. It’s adorable!

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Later, with Charlie asleep in his arms, Nick sees the picture Charlie shared about the zoo visit, calling it the perfect day. But Nick knows that isn’t quite true—he saw how Charlie struggled throughout the day with his illness. Nick, still carrying the advice from his aunt, decides to address it. He gently wakes Charlie with a kiss.

Charlie, sleepy and vulnerable, confesses he doesn’t want to go home. Nick, though, knows something deeper is going on. He brings up how Charlie has been tired all day and expresses his love and concern. He admits that while he’s happy they’ve talked about mental health, he’s still really worried. It’s not just the eating disorder—Nick has noticed Charlie is often stressed, tired, and sometimes sad. In a tearful admission, Nick tells Charlie that he knows he’s said the wrong thing at times and made things worse without meaning to, but that he can’t help trying to fix it because he loves him so much.

But here’s where Nick shows real growth. He tells Charlie he now realizes that he can’t “fix” him and gently insists that Charlie needs to talk to someone—his parents, a doctor, anyone who can truly help. Charlie breaks down, apologizing as he cries. He feels like he’ll never get better. Nick, ever the supportive boyfriend, reassures him that he can, but only if he asks for help. Charlie hesitates, afraid his parents will think he’s faking it and get angry. That’s when Nick steps in, offering to go with him, hoping it will make Charlie’s parents more understanding.

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The next scene is at Charlie’s house, where his mom is initially surprised that Nick is over so late. But Charlie gets straight to the point. He tells his parents that he needs to talk to them about something important and that he’s written everything down because it’s too hard to say out loud.

Charlie starts reading his letter, and as he does, the weight of his struggles becomes clear. He confesses that his mental health has been really bad for a while. Eating has become a constant battle, and there’s a voice in his head that isn’t his own, telling him terrible things will happen if he eats or doesn’t do things perfectly. The voice has been growing louder, making him stressed, exhausted, and angry. He admits that he didn’t want to face it for a long time, but now things have gotten so much worse. He tells them he thinks it’s time to see a doctor and get the help he needs because he truly wants to get better.

As Charlie finishes reading the letter, Tori, who has been listening quietly from the stairs, starts to cry. We couldn’t help but cry with her too. This moment is so raw, so vulnerable, and it captures the heartbreaking reality of mental illness while showing just how much love and support can help guide someone through it.

We’re absolutely shattered, but also incredibly proud of Charlie for finally asking for help, and we can’t help but cheer Nick on for standing by his side. These kids have our hearts, and this scene shows why we want to protect them at all costs.

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First Time (Episodes 7 and 8 — “Together” and “Apart”)

We’re calling this one “First Time” because it’s exactly what you think—and trust us, it’s a moment that had us in tears of absolute joy. Throughout Season 3, we watch as Nick and Charlie’s relationship grows deeper and more intimate. They talk about taking things further, and we can see them both becoming more comfortable with the idea of exploring each other’s bodies. But despite their efforts to find the right moment to do the dance-with-no-pants, something always seems to get in the way. 

After trying to plan a sleepover at Nick’s place, Charlie doesn’t get permission, which leads to a fight with his mom. Frustrated and upset, Charlie storms out and heads straight to Nick’s house. He vents about how tired he is of everyone treating him like he’s fragile just because he’s been ill. Charlie asks Nick if he thinks he’s fragile, and Nick immediately reassures him, telling him he’s the strongest person he knows, that he knows exactly who he is and what he wants. Nick even admits that he feels more fragile than Charlie does sometimes.

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This opens up a vulnerable conversation between them. Nick admits that Charlie gives him confidence, but when he’s not around, Nick feels a bit lost. At first, Nick tries to brush off his confession, but Charlie encourages him to keep going. Nick explains that when he realized he was bi, it felt like he’d woken up—like he’d been repressing so much of who he was, not just his sexuality but also his thoughts, feelings, and personality. And even now, he sometimes hides behind a mask, laughing and joking with his friends but never really opening up to anyone except Charlie. Nick shares that he’s worried about his future and university, and Charlie supports him, telling him he’s allowed to be a mess too. 

In pure Nick and Charlie fashion, this moment of honesty is sealed with a kiss. But things quickly heat up between them, as they have all season, and as we all saw it coming, they finally take that big step together, and it’s just perfect. They share such a beautiful moment! And seeing them so happy brought us to tears of absolute joy. Their relationship has been so full of love, patience, and support, and this scene was the perfect culmination of that growth. It was tender, real, and everything we hoped for them. The ultimate culmination of their love.

So there you have it folks—five moments from Heartstopper Season 3 that had us crying, whether from joy, heartbreak, or a mix of both. Nick and Charlie’s love story is an emotional ride not suited for the weak, and we’ve loved every second of it.

What about y’all? What were the moments between Nick and Charlie that had you crying this season? We want to hear all about them! Hit us up on socials, and let’s keep the Heartstopper conversation going!

All episodes of Heartstopper Season 3 are streaming on Netflix now. Follow us on X and Instagram for all queer stuff!

Featured Image: Courtesy of Netflix